Montreal man calls 911 after being stood up in Barrie, Ontario

Look, dating is not for the faint of heart. It really isn’t. Putting yourself out there takes real courage, not to mention the ability to make yourself vulnerable or perhaps open yourself up for potential rejection.

And getting hurt? Yeah, it can sting. Especially if you’ve traveled for seven hours on a bus to meet the woman you’ve been chatting with online and she never even bothers to show up.

When reality intervenes it can feel like a spiky knee to the groin. But as adults in an indifferent, often cruel world, we must learn to absorb life’s punches and roll on to face the next challenge. It’s how you react to these disappointments that shows the true measure of your character.

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So as one man recently learned, that does not involve calling 911 when your date stands you up at the bus terminal.

As QMI Agency reports, a man phoned in to Barrie, Ont. police after he stepped off his bus from Montreal and the woman he’d traveled over 600 km to meet never showed.

The pair had reportedly met online and planned to meet in person at the bus depot a few hours north of Toronto.

Yes, it’s a long ride. And yes, that was an exceptionally crappy move on her part. But no, it is not illegal and the police can’t help you.

That didn’t seem to deter the man, who police say became even angrier when the dispatcher refused to “track (her) down” and began to remind him instead about the proper use of 911.

The dispatcher also suggested he “find a place to stay for the night and cool off.”

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A place, we can only hope, was not airing Napoleon Dynamite on cable that evening.