Must-See Videos of the Week: December 7

Must-See Videos of the Week: December 7

In this week’s roundup of videos, we’ve got a mix of the terrifying, like flammable water and death-defying balancing acts, and the heartwarming, including an impressive-looking charity drive, an animal rescue and joyous tributes to Nelson Mandela. Without further ado, here are the top videos you should watch this week:

A family in Dixie, Louisiana discovered that their water was flammable, with traces of natural gas appearing in their property’s well water. The Parkers say that the problems with their water began when a local drilling operation set up shop nearby. The company says that they’ll be hiring a third-party inspector to look into the issue and see if the two are connected. Scenes like these have become increasingly common on YouTube and local media outlets since the issue of fracking near well systems was brought to light by the documentary Gasland brought the issue to light in 2010.

[ Last week’s Must-See Videos: Rare spinning-ice phenomenon caught on camera ]

Daredevil Eskil Ronningsbakken is known for pushing the limit in his incredible balancing stunts. In this one, he places multiple chairs atop a precariously-balanced stone wedged between two rocks in his home of Norway. This point-of-view video is bound to make your stomach drop.

At the news of the passing of Nelson Mandela, people around the world began mourning his loss, but also celebrating his life and the remarkable impact he has had on the world. Nowhere is this more true than in South Africa, where song and dance are often seen when people gather to remember him. This gathering took place in Soweto on December 6.

Three deer somehow made their way out onto a very frozen Albert Lea Lake in Minnesota this week, and became stranded, resulting in an SOS call being put out by locals on Facebook. The owner of a local hovercraft company brought out two of his vehicles, tied the animals to the hovercraft, and dragged them back to safer land.

The Calgary Hitmen hockey team holds an annual event to collect stuffed animals for children at Christmas. After Pavel Padakin scores the first goal for Calgary of the Dec. 1 game, fans begin flooding the ice with thousands of toys: 25,921, to be exact. The stuffed animals will be donated to various charities including the YMCA and Red Cross.

And here’s a bonus video for you this week – it’s short, but very aptly summarizes how many Texans likely feel about the heavy blanket of snow that came down on the state this week. This Pomeranian is certainly Not Impressed.

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