How to stop a crying baby: crank up the 2 Chainz

Not sure how to calm down your crying baby? These parents seem to have figured it out.

When their young one gets fussy, they just play her favourite song: "I'm Different" by 2 Chainz.

The cute kid immediately transitions from tears to dancing, bopping along to the beat as best she can.

"Studies have shown that infants recognize and prefer music they heard while in the womb as compared to unfamiliar music. So the baby in the video who is comforted by 2 Chainz probably has heard that from before birth," Lisa Huisman Koops, associate professor of music education at Case Western Reserve University, tells MTV.

"That music also has a beat that is close to the baby’s natural jumping rhythm, so that is another reason it is probably enjoyable for her."

Earlier this month, a little girl crying in her carseat cheered up when Katy Perry's "Dark Horse" started playing.

Even Katy Perry was won over by the cuteness:

When she's feeling down, this little girl just needs Nine Inch Nails' "Copy of A" to start playing.

Sometimes the music is the reason for the tears.

This sweet 4-year-old boy is crying because of his favourite sad song: A Great Big World's "Say Something" featuring Christina Aguilera.

And this 10-month-old girl tears up every time her mother sings Rod Stewart's "My Heart Can't Tell You No."