Zorro the piglet loves to surf

Zorro, a two-month-old pig, has been riding waves with his owner since he was 3 weeks old. TV3's Ashlee Tulloch reports.

The beaches of New Zealand have a new star with a protruding snout, a green collar and a little oink. He's Zorro the surfing piglet and his owner, Matt Bell, has been teaching him to stay on a board since shortly after he was born, according to Reuters.

Zorro is two months old, Bell said, and he's been surfing for about a month. In a video story about the pair, the zine Damaged Goods showed Zorro spending time on the beach and burrowing his snout in the sand.

Bell says his piglet loves riding the waves and he's a great swimmer.

Once his unusual surfing partner started to get him publicity, Bell kept up the piglet's lessons in hopes of bringing attention to a cause he supports through an organization called KASM, which stands for Kiwis Against Seabed Mining.

The organization opposes mining sand and minerals from the seabed for developments such as urban beaches. Supporters argue that pulling up sand could disturb the ocean floor and the plume of material that rises up can smother sea life.

Sea life including piglets with a penchant for water sports.

Swimming pigs have made headlines in the past, such as the beach-loving pigs of Big Major Cay, Bahamas, who swim out to passing boats, according to the Telegraph.