U.S. Marine rescues and bottle-feeds four baby rabbits

A U.S. Marine saved the life of four baby rabbits and nursed them back to health. (Courtesy imgur.com)

Get ready to swoon.

A U.S. Marine rescued and nurtured four baby rabbits — and the photos are adorable.

A couple years ago, redditor Tokyomaneater69, a U.S. Marine, found a dead rabbit while he was raking the volleyball court at the barracks at Camp Pendleton, California.

Nearby, he discovered a small hole with four newborn rabbits in it.

"I grabbed a box put a few old shirts into it and picked up the bunnies. I researched how to raise them and what to feed them. I made a nice box for them to live in a and bottle fed them until I could ween them to eat the local foods. After a couple months I brought them to a wild life rescue because they were starting to jump out of their box. It was a lot of hard work but I loved the bunnies…." he wrote on Reddit.

This week, Tokyomaneater69 posted photos and videos of him bottle-feeding and caring for the tiny rabbits he named Steven, Raymond, Vaughn and James.

"I scheduled their feeding for before I went to work, lunch break, after work and in the middle of the night.... Life got easier once they would eat solid food," he wrote.

After two months of nurturing the bunnies, in anticipation of leaving for Afghanistan and being unable to care for them any longer, Tokyomaneater69 brought them to a wildlife refuge where officials were impressed with the proper care the Marine had given them.