Corbeil-Clément family given new home by Châteauguay community

Corbeil-Clément family given new home by Châteauguay community

Five months after losing everything in a house fire, members of the Corbeil-Clément family are settling into their new digs in Châteauguay, Que., just outside of Montreal.

Local electrician Michel Énault assembled neighbours and local businesses who volunteered time and supplies to build the family a new home, replacing the one they'd lost just a couple of weeks shy of Christmas.

​The Corbeil-Clément family, who didn't have home insurance at the time of the fire, lost everything.

They had a reputation in the tight-knit community for being benevolent, generous neighbours.

So when Énault heard the news, he said he just had to do something.

He decided to seek some help in getting the family back on its feet, but was surprised when his phone began ringing off the hook. He's raised more than $150,000 to help the homeless family.

"I just had the idea to build them a new house for free, and we got there. We got even further, because people were happy to spoil this family," Énault said.

Now the Corbeil-Clément family not only has a brand-new home, but also new furniture and everything else a family of four could need.

Home sweet home

The father, Jacques Corbeil-Clément, said the family is overwhelmed by the outpouring of generosity.

He, partner Chantal and their sons Nicholas, 12, and Alexandre, 8, couldn't believe what they saw when they pulled up to the new house in a limousine.

With tears in their eyes and countless thank yous, the family got the tour they had been waiting for.

"You are unbelievable," Chantal told those gathered outside her new home.

"Because of all of you, but especially because of one man with wings who decided [he had to do something], she continued. "Thank you from the bottom of our hearts."

Nicholas got a fishing-themed bedroom while the younger Alexandre got one decked out in Super Mario decor.

The cupboards were stocked and they even have a brand-new flat-screen TV in the family room.

A backyard swimming pool and jungle gym are on their way — the icing on an already massive cake.