Fuzzy rabbits a new tourist attraction

Taylor Swift just had a litter of seven bunnies.

A couple in western P.E.I. has turned their hobby rabbit farm into a tourist experience where visitors can brush wool from the rabbits and make crafts.

Melvin Gallant and his wife Lorraine, who live in the Evangeline region, have been rabbit breeders for almost a decade. Visitors can book in for a two-hour experience where they will brush the wool from the rabbits, spin it, and make a craft.

"We just find that there's not enough for the tourists to do [in Evangline]," said Lorraine Gallant.

"We want to try [something] different."

The rabbits are all named for country music stars: Tim McGraw, Taylor Swift, Reba McIntyre.

"The first angora rabbit we bought we were on our way to a [rabbit] show, and it was country music on, so I decided to call them all after country singers," said Gallant.

The visits cost $19 to $43 per person for a two-hour session, depending on the size of the group. The country rabbit experiential tours start June 18.