Open Window Bakery shuts down

The Open Window Bakery closed its Toronto locations on Tuesday.

The popular Open Window Bakery shut its doors unexpectedly Monday night.

The bakery's seven locations around Toronto shut down so fast that delivery trucks were still pulling up to the main plant on Finch Avenue West on Tuesday morning — but unable to unload their goods.

The family-owned business did offer a short statement saying only that they are doing their best to keep the business going and hope to know more next week.

Some of the 250 workers at the bakery have been there for 25 years but say they received no explanation. They were only told on Monday night that the company would be closing down.

They aren't sure if they'll be paid for their last week or whether the company has filed for bankruptcy.

Some received a reference letter encouraging them to find work somewhere else.

Open Window Bakery has been in business for 50 years and is famous for its pastries and European-style breads.

Customers who make regular trips to its stores say Open Window is one of the few independent bakeries that has managed to last despite steady competition from large supermarkets.

On Tuesday, customers continued to pull up hoping to run in and buy their favourite baked goods but were surprised to find out they might have to start shopping elsewhere.