19 Of The Funniest Signs From The Past Week That'll Make You Wonder Why Male Comedians Even Try
We're already more than halfway through May 2024 (what is time?), so let's celebrate by enjoying the funniest signs of the week, courtesy of r/funnysigns:
1."This is the best company name ever."
2."For those who are embarrassed to ask to stop."
3."Now in 3-D."
4."First warning."
5."What the hell happened here?"
6."You had 'noly' one job..."
7."Damn, you drowning? Lol."
8."No more. 😔"
9."What’s been going on in this cemetery?"
10."Best place for whole family to hang out together."
11."Signs with funny names if you read them in English, like..."
12."Guess the food store name."
13."I like the new street name."
14."That's crazy."
15."This is the scariest drink to take!"
16."This genius has figured it all out."
17."Damn, that's really low for an airplane..."
18."How do you spell 'congarjulasoins?'"
19."Natural selection."
Don't miss last week's funniest signs:
18 Signs From The Past Week That Are Way, Way, Way, Way, Way Too Funny For Their Own Good