Worst Restaurant Chains To Work For

More than 4 million Americans spend their days serving burgers, cleaning tables and opening cans. Food and beverage preparation is one of the biggest sectors in the country's economy, and it's no secret that the pay isn't great.

But what are the absolute worst restaurant chains to work for? The newly updated 2012 Diner's Guide, from the Restaurant Opportunities Centers United, a New York-based nonprofit fighting on behalf of low-wage restaurant workers, offers up a Zagat-like review of America's most well-known chain eateries. Except, instead of commenting on the sumptuousness of the vichyssoise or the viscosity of the scallop gelee, ROC United claims to reveal just how crummy it is to work at most of America's nationwide food chains. But four of the restaurants -- all owned by the same parent company-- get an extra special medal of shame.