These are the hottest places around the globe

The hottest place on earth
The hottest place on earth

If you thought your summer has been scorching, you may want to take a look at some of these places. There are some places that are too hot for a weather station — let alone people

NASA operates two satellites to help measure these scorching global temperatures, here are some of the highest:

Dasht-e Lut Desert, Iran
Temperatures in this 200 mile wide salt desert can reach as high as 159ºF — leaving it completely uninhabited, not even bacteria can survive here.

Ghadames, Libya
This oasis town is in the middle of the desert and reaches temperatures as high as 131ºF — those who live in the town have houses with thick mud walls to stay cool.

Dallol, Ethiopia
Despite being a volcanically-active region, and reaching daily temperatures of over 106ºF — it's considered the hottest inhabited place on earth.

The Flaming Mountain, China
Considered the hottest area of China, this red sandstone has measured temperatures as high as 152ºF.

Death Valley, California
It's the lowest and driest point in the United States and deemed one of the hottest. Reaching an average daily temperature of 136ºF.

So when the weather gets warm next time you're at the beach -- be thankful you aren't in one of these places.

See more of the hottest places on earth: