23 Angry People Who Wrote Notes That Said What They Said
1.Let's start with this note from a scumbag husband:
2.Also trashy? This note — WRITTEN ON A MENSTRUAL PAD!!! — that left me speechless (and wondering how bad a parking job it was for her to break out her pad and pen):
3.This note on the wall of an apartment complex's communal laundry room made me gag a little:
4.And this note in the elevator of an apartment complex makes me think, Well, I'm not moving there!:
5.Wait, the notes by these two snotty girls have the last one beat:
Having spent 10+ years living in an apartment complex, I gotta say...I don't miss all the drama!
6.This note from a cheap-ass customer to a waitress will infuriate you in so many different ways:
7.This note — and I can't emphasize this enough — makes me freaking HATE Brad:
8.And this note — from someone with admittedly A+ penmanship — makes you think, Oh look, it's the consequences of your own actions:
9.This note in a work bathroom might somehow be grosser than the nastiness that inspired it:
10.And this note from another work bathroom paints a totally different, but equally nasty picture:
11.Man, I don't mean to pick on apartment living, but this note posted in an apartment's trash room isn't helping:
12.And neither is this note about a "young lady" who is having sex on the apartment stairwell:
13.This note from a monster who would rather see someone die than be inconvenienced is why we can't have nice things:
14.This note actually feels kind of cute alongside all these others (but that says more about the other notes than this one):
15.This gross note — about someone leaving turds in a college library — would've been enough to make me transfer:
16.These notes 100% make me hope I never ride in this elevator:
17.You can feel the exhaustion in this note — especially with the "please stop asking":
18.This maddening note reminds you the world is full of entitled assholes:
19.And the fact this note — about finding used condoms outside — is written on this letterhead is un-cat-agorically hilarious:
20.This note found in a gym locker room is incredibly polite...about an a-hole thief:
21.And this note is also super polite, but makes you sad you can't even get stuff delivered to your place of living anymore:
22.This note sadly makes it clear thievery is everywhere:
23.And lastly, this note makes me wonder just what the hell is going on at this bar:
HT: r/trashy