30 Photos I Found On The Internet This Week That I'm Kinda Starting To Feel Like I Wasn't Meant To See (So, Obviously, I'm Showing Them To You, Too)

1.This lightbulb that is still on? Even though it's been unscrewed?? And isn't plugged into anything??

A hand holding a lit LED light bulb in a living room setup, including a floor lamp, small table with a tissue box, and a game controller
FoShozies / Reddit / Via reddit.com

2.This person's peculiarly-shaped pupil:

Close-up collage of a person's eyes showing detailed views of the iris, eyelashes, and surrounding skin
Pommunist / Reddit / Via reddit.com

3.This POV of a person who got stuck in a hole in an elevator shaft, which — I've gotta admit — is making my palms sweat:

Two people at the top of a dark, narrow shaft with a metal grid floor, one person's shoes and legs partially visible
DrBreveStule / Reddit / Via reddit.com

4.This future horror movie protagonist, who found this creepy ass doll in the Rocky Mountains, stopped to PICK IT UP, and is probably cursed now:

A tattered plush doll with button eyes and a stitched mouth, lying on a forest floor covered in pine needles and cones. The doll has red stains and a stitched red heart

5.This building that looks like it might be missing a couple floors, actually:

A tall, narrow structure with the word "OMA" at the top is seen from a distance amidst a gray sky and urban foreground
PrA2107 / Reddit / Via reddit.com

6.This rainstorm that said, "Fuck you in particular!" to that one house:

A thin tornado descends from dark clouds over a suburban neighborhood, with houses, a street, and a fire hydrant visible in the foreground
chalupa4me / Reddit / Via reddit.com

7.This person, who returned to their hotel room after a long day only to find this threatening note from their housekeeper:

Thank you note from Aloft Hotels with a QR code for gratuity. Handwritten: "Silvia L." and a message, "nobody is coming to save you get up."
thadeus_d3 / Reddit / Via reddit.com

8.This normal, casual, everyday living room that has a massive, seemingly endless hole in the middle of it, which a landlord would probably look at and say, "Eh, just paint over it."

A large sinkhole has formed inside a living room, taking up most of the floor space between two brown couches
Monsur_Ausuhnom / Reddit / Via reddit.com

9.This unfortunate soul who was fighting for their life on that toilet, because I cannot imagine why else you would bite a roll of toilet paper in a public restroom:

Close-up of a roll of toilet paper with an imprint of a face, found in a restroom
DaisyDuckens / Reddit / Via reddit.com

10.This "smile" room that certainly does not make me feel like smiling:

An old, partially open door with "The Smile Room" written above it on a deteriorated wall. The room inside is dark and uninviting
Monsur_Ausuhnom / Reddit / Via reddit.com

11.These strange, bulbous clouds, which kinda look like giant hands reaching down from the heavens, ready to snatch you at any second:

Clouds with round shapes fill the sky, with tree tops visible at the bottom of the image

12.This fancy shmancy Tesla hearse:

Blue hearse with "alia" business logos on the side and rear window, seen driving down a road
Mdiasrodrigu / Reddit / Via reddit.com

13.This trail of hydrophobic dots that I personally cannot explain, but am endlessly fascinated by:

Raindrops forming small circular patterns on a wet concrete surface, with reflections of plants visible in a puddle
Nah_Fam_Oh_Dam / Reddit / Via reddit.com

14.This hotel that decided to turn its bidet into *checks notes* a planter:

A bidet filled with dirt and plants is placed in a tiled bathroom, with a trash can next to it

15.This look in inside of a downed cable, which does not look at all like I expected, but is pretty damn cool:

Close-up of a thick cable with many colorful wires inside, resting on a black surface
Littlecat10 / Reddit / Via reddit.com

16.This person's dental X-ray that makes humans look like something out of a horror movie:

X-ray image of a human skull showing detailed teeth structure
m00nsh0es / Reddit / Via reddit.com

17.This enclosed, gated, reserved parking spot that's gotta be for, like, a superhero's vehicle, right?

A small black car is parked in a parking space next to a locked glass and metal storage cage in an underground parking garage
Soggy0atmeal / Reddit / Via reddit.com

18.This person who almost lost their toes on an escalator, which has convinced me that perhaps taking the stairs isn't so bad after all:

A person is walking on a sidewalk; their left shoe has a hole exposing colorful socks. Only the lower legs and shoes are visible
Dashigos / Reddit / Via reddit.com

19.These clouds that miiiiight be trying to trick us into thinking the sky is the ocean:

Sky with distinctive wave-like clouds above a cityscape, featuring streetlights and industrial buildings. No persons are in the image

These are called Kelvin-Helmholtz clouds.

SunnyBanana276 / Reddit / Via reddit.com

20.This camera-less iPhone that's issued to people who work on nuclear plants (as no cameras are allowed):

A hand holding a black Apple iPhone with a visible Apple logo on the back. A water bottle and other objects are on the table in the background
dopeyout / Reddit / Via reddit.com

21.This haunting (or...haunted?) road that looks like something out of a creepy fairytale:

A dark, eerie forest with intertwining, gnarled tree branches creating a tunnel effect over a path. The scene feels mysterious and haunting
Green____cat / Reddit / Via reddit.com

22.This super chill and not at all ominous text someone got from a phone number that's one digit away from theirs:

I mean...they're not wrong. 

I mean...they're not wrong.

Option_Forsaken / Reddit / Via reddit.com

23.These two spoons that seem to have inexplicably melded together in the making of this here salad dressing:

An empty bowl with three spoons resting crossed over leftover soup with floating oil, on a textured surface
Anonymus_mit_radium / Reddit / Via reddit.com

24.This patient who found these suspicious-looking handprints on the elevator of their dentist office, which would have me looking for a new dentist immediately:

Handprints on a metallic elevator wall, seen on floor 6

25.These leftover bananas that look like they're part of a literal crime scene, blood and all:

Two charred banana peels with brown liquid spilling from them on a wooden surface
Szudof / Reddit / Via reddit.com

26.These coals that are a bright, vibrant purple on camera even though they're orange IRL:

Food cooking on a grill with seasoned meat in a skillet, a pot of creamy sauce, a pot of peas, and sausages in another skillet
fadedtile / Reddit / Via reddit.com

27.This department store in Germany that has an indoor surfing attraction smack-dab in the middle of it:

Indoor wave pool with multiple surfers practicing on artificial waves. Overhead view. No names available

28.This chicken taking a nap while soaking in this tub, which is just honestly not an image I imagined myself seeing, but I'm glad I did:

A white chicken is sitting in a transparent plastic storage bin with a purple latch in a room with wooden floors
AllMyBunyans / Reddit / Via reddit.com

29.This protein powder scoop that I feel like is defying the laws of physics somehow??

Close-up of a scoop filled with protein powder resting on the rim of a container lid
TheProdicalOne / Reddit / Via reddit.com

30.ANd finally, this *checks notes* bikini Nixon cake (???) that's the actual stuff of nightmares and perhaps the most terrifying thing on this entire list:

Cake in the shape of a person with a detailed face and body, wearing a bikini
KyleColby / Reddit / Via reddit.com

If you enjoyed this post, you're in luck! I collect and share these creepy photos every single month, and you can find all my previous roundups here.

H/T: r/confusing_perspective, r/oddlyterrifying, r/Weird, r/mildlyinteresting, and r/GlitchInTheMatrix.