31 Dad Jokes That Will Make You Roll Your Eyes Immediately

Dad jokes will either leave your sides splitting or your eyes rolling. There's just something about a well-executed pun that cracks me up. The r/DadJokes subreddit is a gold mine of puns and cringe that always have me chuckling. Here are some of the very best dad jokes Redditors had to offer that are glorified "knee-slappers":

1."It was so cold yesterday my computer froze. It was my own fault though, I left too many windows open."


2."All I asked my son to do was to not use my whistle. But he blew it."


3."What do sprinters eat before a race? Nothing, they fast."


Person with short purple hair and light blue streaks looking off to the side, annoyed
Kali9 / Getty Images/iStockphoto

4."My friend claims he glued himself to his autobiography. I don't believe him, but that's his story and he's sticking to it."


5."A history degree is useless. There's no future in it."


6."A guy went to a costume party carrying a woman on his back. The doorman asks, 'What are you supposed to be?' The guy replies, 'A turtle.' The doorman asks, “What’s on your back?' The guy says, 'That's Michelle.'"


Bryan Cranston wearing a plaid shirt, laughing

7."It's not just cell phones that distract drivers, today there was a rug-maker commuting in rush hour. He was weaving in traffic."


8."I just learned how the pawn moves in chess. It's pretty straightforward."


9."Did you know that Sylvester Stallone is on his third marriage? His first was rocky. His second was rocky, too!"


Uncle Phil laughs by throwing his head back

10."You should stay away from left-handed people. Something's not right about them."


11."Once upon a time, there was a king that was only 12 inches tall. He was a terrible leader, but he made a great ruler."


12."My wife tells me I have no sense of direction. I have no idea where that came from."


Man laughing heartily, leaning forward with his eyes closed and head tilted down slightly

13."I tried doing 100 sit-ups but I didn't finish. My stomach couldn't handle that kind of ab use."


14."Did you hear about the local bakery that burned down? Their business is toast."


15."Just got a pet termite called Clint—Clint Eats Wood."


Two men laugh on a couch
Koldunova_anna / Getty Images/iStockphoto

16."Don't you want help putting on your tuxedo? Okay, suit yourself."


17."Did you hear about the poor guy who lost his entire left side in an accident? He's all right now."


18."What size of clothes is there always leftovers of? XS."


Triple H breaks into a smile

19."My three year old was putting stickers on my Rolex. I said, 'not on my watch!'"


20."What do you get if you put a duck in a cement mixer? Quacks in the pavement."


21."Did you hear about the guy who got divorced and remarried?It was a wife-changing experience."


Tim Robinson looks bewildered

22."The Himalayan Sasquatch is often misidentified. Yeti carries on."


23."Someone came into my house and stole my fruits. I'm peachless."


24."Why is it spelled 'camouflage' and not ."


Flash the sloth from Zootopia slowly blinks and smiles while sitting in an office

25."What country's capital is growing the fastest? Ireland. Every day it's Dublin."


26."My kids just told me that I own every board game except one. I had no Clue."


27."My local barber was arrested yesterday for selling drugs. I've been his customer for years. Didn't even know he was a barber!"


James Harden in a post-game interview, wearing a basketball jersey with fans and stadium seats in the background

28."Two men walk in to a bar. The first man says, 'I’ll have some H2O.' The second man says, 'I'll have some H2O, too.' The second man dies."


29."Why did the scarecrow get a promotion? He was out standing in his field."


30."Why did the melons get married in a church? Because they cantaloupe!"


Animated monkey hits drum rim shot while rolling their eyes

31."What do you get when you cross a rhetorical question with a dad joke?"


HT: r/dadjokes

Drop your best "dad jokes" in the comments! Just remember to pick them up after.