I Actually Think I Lost Brain Cells After Seeing These Ridiculously Idiotic Things People Posted On The Internet This Month
1.Uh...does this person think people only use military time during a war?
2.Relatedly, this person had a "light bulb" moment about military time they needed to share.
3.This person tried to make a point and disastrously failed.
4.This person was just really, really wrong about the sun.
5.This person didn't realize the word "entrepreneur" literally came from the French language.
6.This person seemed to think the UK was another planet.
7.This person was confused about the English.
8.This person was microwaving cat food cans.
9.And this person thought you could put silverware in the microwave.
10.This post was just a train wreck.
11.And this whole post is just a mess all around.
12.This person asked a very dumb question.
13.As did this person.
14.And this person made a really, really idiotic decision.
15.This person claimed there's a "Black Sun."
16.This person thought that 30% of the world celebrates Thanksgiving.
17.This person had never seen a bay leaf before.
18.This person forgot about COVID.
19.This person needed to relearn PEMDAS.
20.This person seemed to think the US once invaded Europe.
21.This person suggested that the government controls the weather.
22.This person forgot that male cows are called bulls, and you can obviously only get milk from a female cow anyway.
23.This person was really confused about the term "y'all."
24.This person decided to share their foolish conspiracy theory.
25.And this person also thought there was something *off* going on.
26.This person thought blood was blue.
27.These people tried to blame the COVID vaccine for O.J. Simpson's cancer.
28.This person claimed vaccines cause...(checks notes) marriage?
29.I'm gonna assume the first person was trolling, but this second person seemed to think the things you eat and drink go into your lungs.
30.This person claimed the US is "bigger than every European country combined."
31.This person had some trouble with spelling.
32.And this person was a little confused about the spelling of the word "aioli."
33.This person got confused about the word "defamation" — but somehow managed to spell expeditiously right.
34.This person had clearly never opened a history book.
35.And this person needs to go back to sex ed class.
36.This person said they had "zero mRNA" in their system.
37.And finally, this person thought their grandparents were King George VI and Queen Elizabeth.