For 40 years I voted Republican. Here’s what GOP candidates have to do now to get my vote. | Opinion

Trump and Putin

I used to be a registered Republican for 40 years, but switched to unaffiliated in reaction to activities of then-President Trump and the obeisance of the GOP to him. I am a social conservative, and in particular pro-life. But the activities of Trump and the GOP, who overlook or excuse his incitement of the Jan. 6 insurrection and their slavish deference to Putin as he tries to destroy Ukraine, makes it clear that Trump and his defenders in the GOP are an existential threat to our Constitution. I will not vote for any Republican who does not denounce both Trump and Putin.

Mark Costello, Matthews

Aid to Ukraine

The writer is a former Charlotte mayor.

North Carolina’s Congressional delegation members — Republicans and Democrats — should support the bipartisan legislation now pending in the U.S. House that would provide much needed support for Ukraine in its war with Russia, as well as additional authority to secure America’s Mexican border. And they need to do so soon. I care not whether former “draft-dodger” Donald Trump opposes such legislation. Instead, I’m with former President Reagan on this one: “We win. They lose!”

Richard Vinroot, Charlotte

Who Trump is

During Black History Month Donald Trump had the audacity to compare his legal troubles to discrimination Black people endure. He went further by suggesting Black people “like” him because Black people (being the criminals we are), have something in common with him. You know ... kindred spirits.

I’m glad he said it. What better timing to remind Americans — especially people of color — why Trump should never be president again. He continues to freely expose who he is: a bigot, racist, misogynist, narcissist. Believe him.

Sham Ostapko, Huntersville

Save the tree

I commend Amanda Davis’ efforts to protect a 100-year-old oak tree against construction of a sidewalk on Margaret Wallace Road, especially as Charlotte City Council has abandoned its goal of 50% tree coverage by 2050. Trees capture atmospheric carbon, thus reversing climate change. We have no magic carbon-capture technologies more effective than trees, and oaks like this one are the most efficient carbon sinks. We’re all guests on this planet and must leave it better than we found it. That means we have to protect heritage trees like this one.

Sandra O’Neill, Cornelius

A losing battle?

I admire Amanda Davis for trying to save the 100-year-old oak in her front yard. Years ago, the city wanted to add sidewalks in my neighborhood, but it was voted down because felling the old growth trees and large shrubs would have destroyed the neighborhood’s charm. Even being a tree-hugger myself, if I were offered roughly $15,000 for the tree and the right of way, I would ask to borrow the person’s pen to sign the document. I hope Amanda wins, but I doubt it, for the government has eminent domain. She could lose the fight and the $15,000.

Augie Beasley, Charlotte


I am pleased that the Supreme Court has decided to review Trump’s claim that he is entitled to immunity from crimes he allegedly committed while he was president. Putting Trump aside, this issue is important for Biden and all future presidents who leave office and are succeeded by an opponent.

If presidents are not entitled to this immunity after they leave office, they will need to issue a pardon to themselves prior to leaving office to avoid federal charges from an opponent who replaces them. If the court decides that former presidents are not entitled to immunity after leaving office, it raises the issue of whether a pardon they grant themselves prior to leaving will be effective after they leave.

Craig A. Reutlinger, Charlotte

Nikki Haley

Nikki Haley seems like an intelligent, reasonable, mainstream candidate. She doesn’t hurl childish insults, hasn’t been arrested and doesn’t dabble in wild conspiracy theories. I guess that makes her an outlier in today’s MAGA-dominated Republican Party. Sorry, Nikki, you’re running for president in the wrong era.

Arnie Grieves, Huntersville