41 Poor Souls Who Just Wanted To Sell Something Online And Ended Up Sincerely Regretting It

1.This might be one of the most entitled buyers I've seen.

Text message conversation where one person asks if a car is available, learns it is sold, and then offers less money for the sold car
u/SoupyDownside / Via reddit.com

2.This person was seriously conducting emotional warfare.

Screenshot of a conversation where someone asks for assistance in convincing a person to end their life, followed by responses rejecting the request and indicating its unethical nature
u/20Pathfinder20 / Via reddit.com

3.This buyer gave an insultingly low offer and then got mad when the seller didn't reply...at 5 a.m.

Online exchange: Buyer questions price of LG G8X ThinQ, proposes $60. Seller replies early morning, declines offer humorously
u/Rayyano08 / Via reddit.com

4.This person wanted a $35k piano — that was already discounted to $20k — for $5k, then resorted to insults when the seller refused.

"ur a selfish bitch"
u/bodega_bladerunner / Via reddit.com

5.People will really lowball you (this was for a Champion Harry Styles hoodie worth $150), ask you to drive an hour away, then give you a whole backstory on why you owe them — a stranger — this.

"could we do $10?"
u/illybug / Via reddit.com

6.In fact, people on Marketplace are always trying to sell you some backstory that makes you feel like a terrible person for not giving major discounts. Ninety percent of the time, I'm convinced they made it up.

"no i need $385 for my kids braces"
u/MemeHunter682 / Via reddit.com

7.Like, is this person even a single mom?

"Money is super tight for me"
u/forkintheoutlet5 / Via reddit.com

8.What does this person's uncle have to do with anything?

"No thanks. Good luck though."
[deleted] / Via reddit.com

9.This person gave a one-star review despite not even buying the item because they were annoyed they didn't get a discount.

"but i sadnly cannot rate you more then 1 star reviews"
u/queer_pirate_chaos / Via reddit.com

10.This was all over a $10 lunchbox.

A vintage Peanuts Snoopy suitcase from 1965 is sold on eBay for $9.99. An urgent Facebook message above seeks a second Snoopy suitcase for a child's medical needs
u/Gordopolis_II / Via reddit.com

11.This wannabe buyer would NOT take no for an answer.

Text conversation about buying a 2008 Ford Focus, with numerous repetitive requests to take £510 for it, and responses rejecting the offer
u/JamDoughnutMan / Via reddit.com

12.This person reported a seller over not giving them the item for free, then started insulting their height. Very mature!!!

"Little boy o"
u/nicktortelli68 / Via reddit.com

13.This celebrity expected to be able to get clothes for free.

Text conversation summarizing a sweater order. The order details include sweaters with frog and yellow eyes themes, all in XL, shipping to Chicago, IL 60605. Conversation includes some humor
u/legrolls / Via reddit.com

14.This person was just being plain stubborn.

"You are a child"
u/djsoundcloud / Via reddit.com

15.This person tried to lecture the poor seller on how to sell things.

Text conversation showing a potential buyer upset because the seller cannot meet up due to having no car. The buyer uses harsh language and insults
u/iseedogseverywhere / Via reddit.com

16.This person wanted the seller to save their car for them, without any kind of deposit or guarantee they'd actually buy it.

u/SeanStebbings / Via reddit.com

17.This person made the seller go through this whole conversation before revealing they never intended to pay.

"Can I pay you in pleasure"
u/Rayamine / Via reddit.com

18.This person offered to "take it off [the seller's] hands"...i.e., they wanted it for free. Let's call it what it is.

"Nah, I'm good bro."
u/munchkym / Via reddit.com

19.This person seemed to be trying some kind of online hypnosis to get these barstools for cheap.

"deep down u want to sell for 11 each"
u/yandere_chan317 / Via reddit.com

20.This person threatened to send a hitman after a seller for not giving a 90% discount.

"you wont sell it and im going to send a hitman on you"
u/PM_ME_CUTE_SNOOTS / Via reddit.com

21.This seller was apparently "a nasty young lady" for not giving away mirrors for free.

"Make it one of your townhouses and a car."
u/Elros_Tar-Minyatur / Via reddit.com

22.All this over $10 shelves.

"Im sorry that this is so upsetting"
u/Kovvik_ / Via reddit.com

23.Leave this poor person's parents out of this.

"hope ur parents die in a car crash"
u/45shley / Via reddit.com

24.Like, why even waste this person's time??? It's giving those job applications where they refuse to tell you what the pay is until you've gone through a ton of interviews.

"If you can get a better offer elsewhere, go for it"
u/any_other_observer / Via reddit.com

25.This creep tried to hit on the woman he was trying to stiff out of a longboard.

"Fine I'll give u 25 bucks and a lapdance!!!!"
u/bella_san / Via reddit.com

26.This person tried to get a bug collector to discount their price a ton, when they were literally asking for the collector to catch dangerous bugs including a black widow.

"get fucked"
u/RadiatedDalek / Via reddit.com

27.This person thought offering $80 for a TV listed at $1k was reasonable.

"I can give you everything I have and come pick it up in the next 1.5hrs"
u/skrilllexi / Via reddit.com

28.This seller hit this beggar back with an UNO reverse card.

Text conversation where one person is seeking money for their son who doesn't have a job, and the other person is looking to sell a van due to personal financial struggles
u/dudeonrails / Via reddit.com

29.This person started getting weirdly petty.

"Wow are you trying to make me jealous of your iPhone 6?"
u/disapointingnaps / Via reddit.com

30.This person accused the seller of "ruining" her husband's birthday.

"Way to ruin a good man's 50th birthday asshole"
u/GreysMatterH / Via reddit.com

31.This person just sounded like a nightmare.

"Fine, jerk. Only pussies drive automatics anyway."
[deleted] / Via reddit.com

32.What is even the point of insulting sellers? Do people think that'll make the person give the item to them?

"Motherfucker go to hell"
u/CylindricalWindow / Via reddit.com

33.Like...why go to this effort?

"No problem you ugly fuck"
u/_brattymatty / Via reddit.com

34.This person wanted the seller to go out and buy a different color boot than the one they were selling, then sell the new boots to them at a discount...an absolutely unhinged request.

"Do you think you could buy brand new ones in the opposite colors and sell them to me for the used price?"
u/paperpurplefrog / Via reddit.com

35.This buyer wasted a seller's time.

Text conversation about a delivery, arranging time and address, and requesting help to get the item out of the car
u/Rayamine / Via reddit.com

36.This person told this gecko seller to "learn manners," but tbh, I think it's the buyer who needs to learn to mind their Ps and Qs.

"Lol ok thanks"
u/the123king-reddit / Via reddit.com

37.This one just made me chuckle.

"It's $2"
u/alliwanabeiselchapo / Via reddit.com

38.This person wanted the seller to pay to get a small issue fixed, then asked them why they won't buy a new one — dude, why don't you buy a new one?

"Look do you want it or not"
u/Radiant-Skin699 / Via reddit.com

39.This buyer became an antisemite for absolutely no reason.

A Facebook Messenger conversation with a user contacting a company about online payment issues, receiving multiple replies from the company's customer service representative
u/LyndsayRose / Via reddit.com

40.This person was trying to pull some wild mental gymnastics on this seller.

"If you ship something from a post office the seller pays for the item at the origin city, not the buyer."
u/BellaGabrielle / Via reddit.com

41.And finally, this exchange got so heated, I can't believe it's all over a TV.

"Stay mad, bro"
u/coolmanjack / Via reddit.com