5 things you should know about Dufferin County council’s upcoming meeting

Hi ho, hi ho, it’s off to council we go — Dufferin County council meets May 9 to give updates, new policies and information on infrastructure plans.

Here are five things you should know about what will be discussed at the meeting, set to begin at 7 p.m. at the W & M Edelbrock Centre in Orangeville.

Council will discuss the creation of an accommodation of spiritual and religious observances policy, along with voting on approving a policy around accommodations for persons with disabilities.

Changes will be made which will affect conservation authorities’ review and development permitting process.

The manager of economic development will give an update on the insights from the economic development workshop series. Additionally, the Dufferin Museum manager will speak on the events policy.

Temporary work will be done on Dufferin Road 109/2nd Line in Amaranth to improve the intersection. To accommodate the temporary change, the director of public works and county engineer will be speaking on the implementation of a change to the road’s speed limit.

Updates will also be given on the transportation master plan, specifically on the Shelburne bypass.

An overview of the provincial Bill 185, Cutting Red Tape to Build More Homes Act, will be given along with the proposed provincial planning statement.

At the last council meeting, the creation of a county-wide transit ad hoc committee was adopted. Terms of reference will be discussed, and council members have been appointed.

To read the full agenda from the meeting, visit the county’s website.

Rebecca Weston, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter, Orangeville Banner