Alhambra news, May 29 edition
Alhambra Primary
Now that the current school year is over, here are some new changes being implemented for the 2024-2025 school year.
Alhambra Primary School will be offering before and after care (latchkey) to students from kindergarten through fifth grade. It will open around 6 a.m. and close at 6 p.m. More details to come.
Next year, the doors for the gym where students are allowed to enter the school early will open at 8:15 a.m. Districtwide students will only have early entry 30 minutes prior to the start of school.
Café pricing: Breakfast $1.55, Lunch $3.30, Reduced Breakfast $0.30, Reduced Lunch $0.40.
Hitz Home Salad Luncheon
The Hitz Auxiliary will host a June 2024 Salad Luncheon to benefit the Activity Department at the Hitz Memorial Home.
The luncheon will be held in the dining/activity room at 1 p.m. Friday, June 7. Donations of $7 per person will include the meal and entertainment.
Participants are asked to bring their favorite appetizer, casserole/side dish or dessert to share with others. Meat will be provided.
Included in the day will be a silent auction and a chance to win one of the fabulous raffle prizes. Raffle prizes include a hand made quilt, an afghan, $25 gift cards to the following businesses: Aldi, Amazon, Big R, Diamond Mineral Springs, Maedge’s, Slots and Slice, Target, Texas Roadhouse and Walmart.
Fire Department
The Alhambra Fire Department underwent a training program Monday, May 20.
Anyone spotting flames coming from the Alhambra Park may rest easy as it was the volunteer firefighters taking another class to increase their firefighting skills.
That night, members of Alhambra Fire Department along with other surrounding departments attended a propane fire fighting class through Illinois Fire Service Institute.
To insure the safety of all involved, standing by during the training were the Grantfork Volunteer Fire Department, Hamel Community Fire Protection District and the Worden Volunteer Fire Department.
Lunch Bunch Program
The Lunch Bunch program set in motion seven years ago by area churches to see that children 18 and under would be provided a free lunch will resume Wednesday, May 29, and run through Wednesday, Aug. 7.
Each brown bag lunch contains a sandwich, fruit, chips, a drink and sometimes a cookie.
Lunches will be handed out on Mondays and Wednesdays in Alhambra at the following location and time:
Post Office on East Main Street, 11:40-11:50 a.m.
Township Park by ball diamonds, 11:55-12:05 a.m.
No paperwork is required. Just show up at the designated spot to receive enough lunches for the week.
Drivers to deliver lunches and people to fill bags are needed. Volunteers contact Missy Loyet at or 618-530-8410.
First Baptist VBS
First Baptist Church of Alhambra will host its annual Vacation Bible School for ages 4 through fifth grade.
This event will take place at the church at 209 W. Main in Alhambra 6-8 p.m. Sunday-Thursday, June 2-6.
This year’s theme is Wild Live Showcasing Christ Character. This will include bible stories, music, games, puppets, skits, crafts and snacks.
Special Occasions
May 29: Cody and Maria Smith
May 31: Darren and Betsy Hooks
June 1: Laverne and Marilyn Korsemeyer, Joe and Deanna Dauderman, Marcus and Sarah Doubet, Steve and Jane Roper
June 2: Michael and JoBeth Winet, Karl and Rita Smith, Tom and Christina Eyman
June 5: Clarence and Gladys Herzog
May 29: Dean Reckmann, Emma Otto, Ben Hooks, Leroy Daiber, Ross Stoecklin, Heather Schott, Leah Schreiber
May 30: Derek Reckmann, Macie Becker, CheryAnne Reagan
May 31: Debra Reckmann and Nancy Heidbrink, Claire Robinson, Sharyn Gieseking, Cooper Nelson
June 1: Trystan Watson, Gayle Cruthis, Kirby Knackstedt, John Sanders,
June 2: Joe Dauderman, Blake Ernst, Sandy Blom
June 3: Randy Horner
June 4: Ember Brosin
June 5: Gladys Herzog, Camille Rakers, Wade Bruhn, Claire Robinson