Americans receive close up view of two powerful men wielding their power in Michigan | Opinion

Which man?

Two men. Both leaders. Both wielding power. Both adding firsts to American history. In the same week. Split screen, side by side. Comparison made easily.

One joined striking union workers on the picket line, demonstrating support for and understanding of workers as human beings seeking fairness. “Wall Street didn’t build the country. The middle class built the country.”

The second displayed hatred of and revenge toward people advocating through rhetoric destruction of American institutions and democratic processes. Charge the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff with treason and execute him.

The difference is obvious. The choice is simple.

Your vote. Your future.

Wanda Lane, Bluffton

Haley in for the win

Nikki Haley’s potential as a presidential candidate is grounded in her experience and leadership qualities. As the former governor of South Carolina and U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, she has demonstrated her ability to govern effectively and represent American interests on the global stage.

At the first debate in Milwaukee, many Americans met Nikki Haley for the first time, and it’s clear they liked what they saw. Haley’s momentum is surging. She’s leapfrogging over Ron DeSantis in early state polls. Why? She’s principled, skilled, commanding and substantive on all policy fronts. Further, she has a clear solution to any concern presented to her.

At the second debate in California, the American people got to see Nikki’s passion for saving our country.

If one thing is clear it is that Haley won’t put up with her opponents’ grandstanding and lack of experience.

Not only does Haley have expertise as governor of South Carolina, but she’s stood up to dictators and bullies on the world stage as UN ambassador.

Haley is in this race to save our country, and she is unafraid to call out the fellas who are in it for their own ambitions.

Margaret Parham, Florence

Standing with DeSantis

Our border crisis, crime rate and steadily climbing inflation are bankrupting our nation.

These issues are systemic and the result of poor and corrupt leadership.

Gov. Ron DeSantis will restore truth and common-sense leadership as president, and will lead on Day One in turning our nation in the right direction.

Gov. DeSantis is a proven and tested leader whose courage is extraordinary and inspiring.

He is a family man, a man of faith and a man dedicated and devoted to his country.

I stand with Ron DeSantis, and have complete confidence that he will help revitalize our nation as the next president of the United States.

Mike Gonzalez, Summerville

Frustrated with news choice

It is interesting that after the general headline of national news – the ouster of the Speaker of the House – the Beaufort Gazette chose (on the front page with picture) Hunter Biden’s gun possession as the headline of the day.

Every other U.S. person seems to have one in their furniture drawers for “personal protection.”

This in a country that is inundated with gun-related crime and a rampant existence of illegal gun use in shooting rampages, and children receiving guns as birthday presents at an astonishingly young age (in at least one Walmart, the gun section is directly adjacent to the toy department). I fail to see that Hunter Biden used his gun in any illegal action.

Your choice of headlines is provincial at best, and, invariably, come two days after the fact.

That commentator who said that the price of your newspaper is totally overpriced for what a small town newspaper is was right. Get real!

Eva-Maria Wustefeld, St. Helena Island