Annual charity fete returns to Guernsey

The Government House Charities Fete which highlights work by local organisations [Getty Images]

An annual charity fete will be returning to Guernsey later.

The Lieutenant-Governor Lt Gen Richard Cripwell has invited charities to participate in the Government House Charities Fete which highlights work by local organisations.

This years event will see about 40 organisations showcasing their work on the front lawns of Government House.

Lt Gen Cripwell said the event highlighted the "important work" done by charities on the island.

'Extraordinary contribution'

He said: "Charities are an integral part of life in Guernsey and make an extraordinary contribution to our society.

"In every walk of life, remarkable people do remarkable things every day to make our lives richer, safer, and better and, for some people, simply more bearable.

"It is important to celebrate this work and the Charities Fete is one such event which highlights much of what is done.”

Malcolm Woodhams, director of the Association of Guernsey Charities said he was "very grateful" to Government House for hosting the event.

He said: “Some organisations use the opportunity to promote their work or the help or services that they provide, whilst others use it to raise awareness of specific causes, or to raise funds.

"Many organisations also find that whilst talking to visitors, they attract new volunteers.”

The Government House Charities Fete, which has been running since 2017, will be open from 12:00 BST.

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