We asked readers to describe Tacoma in 5 words. Here are some of the top 10 responses

Cozy, parks, waterfront views and culture.

Those are all words I’d use to describe the City of Tacoma, but as a recent transplant, my opinion and description of Tacoma could be quite different from those that are native to or have lived in Tacoma for a much longer time.

The News Tribune asked readers to describe Tacoma in five words based on their experiences. We received over 30 responses from readers, most of whom did not share the best sentiments about the city.

Here are 10 of our favorite responses.

Let’s start with our favorite positive responses.

  • “Beautiful, diverse, grit, pride, and inspiring” - Chantell

  • “Friendly, diverse, scenic, patriotic, gritty, hardworkers” - JJ McCament

  • “Happening, uncluttered, welcoming, fun, home” - Helen Macan

  • “Homey, beautiful views, caring, historical” - Nancy Traversie

  • “Beautiful, diverse, struggling, happy, home” - Chris

A common word used to describe Tacoma in a positive way was “diverse.” The News Tribune previously reported that Tacoma was one of 10 cities in Washington that was ranked among the most ethnically diverse cities in the U.S., according to a study conducted by Wallethub.

Here are some negative responses:

  • “Depressing, dangerous, drugs, dirty, derelict” - Jasmine

  • “Crime, dirty, homeless, fentanyl, taxes” - Brian Lester

  • “A haven for the homeless” - Greg

  • “Polluted with drugs and homeless” - Teresa

  • “Vandalism, homelessness, crime, graffiti, disaster” - Jessie

The most common word used to describe Tacoma in a negative way was “homeless” or “homelessness.”

The News Tribune has extensively covered the homelessness problem impacting Tacoma and Pierce County.

The News Tribune previously reported that more people in Pierce County experienced homelessness in 2023 than in any previous years. According to a presentation given by Valeri Almony, a social services program specialist with Pierce County, to the Pierce County Council’s Select Committee on Homelessness, 2,148 people were recorded to be experiencing homelessness in January 2023, up from 1,851 in 2022 and 1,005 people in 2021.

The News Tribune also previously reported on a Tacoma homeless encampment which was known as “The Jungle” which housed an estimated 30 people before it was removed last summer.