My awards for 2023: from Michelle Mone to Harry and Meghan, it was a year of utter shamelessness

2023 awards
2023 awards

As 2023 weaves towards its end, like a drunk shushing noisily as he crashes through his own front door, we may start to ask what kind of a year it has been. To sum it up, we need look no further, I reckon, than the lingerie tycoon Michelle Mone.

Since she persuaded panicking Cabinet members in 2020 that this brand new company she happened to know about had several million quid’s worth of excellent PPE (could it have been hastily refashioned from 36DD cups into masks?), Baroness Mone of Mayfair has maintained that she and her husband Doug Barrowman had no links to PPE Medpro.

On Sunday, in an interview with the BBC’s Laura Kuenssberg, the lady changed her tune. Mone said she was sorry she had lied to journalists, although, as apologies go, it lacked certain qualities generally considered useful in an apology. Contrition for starters. Mone was sorry, yes, but not sorry. Reporters had put her family through “hell” what with all those unkind and “defamatory” allegations that she was a pandemic profiteer. Funnily enough, that’s exactly what she is.

Government contracts for gowns and masks worth £200 million, allegedly fast-tracked via a “VIP lane” to PPE Medpro, yielded profits of £65 million, of which £29 million somehow found its way into a trust of which Mone, Barrowman and their respective children are beneficiaries.

She “wasn’t trying to pull the wool over anyone’s eyes,” Mone told the BBC, a Rapunzel cascade of inappropriately perky curls hanging about her poker face. Heavens, no!  She had not told the truth about her connections simply to protect her family from press attention. That must be it. Besides, as she insisted, what she had done, “is not a crime”.

Michelle Mone
Michelle Mone should be given the ‘Opportunistic Grifter of the Year award’ - Sofi Adams

Mone has some brass neck. Or, perhaps, that should be bras neck? Never shy of getting her boobs out to flog her Ultimo undies range, this time she donned the penitential black blouse of victimhood.

A National Crime Agency investigation into allegations of fraud and bribery in relation to the PPE Medpro contracts is ongoing (Mone and Barrowman deny wrongdoing), but it seems that, while millions were being enjoined to make sacrifices for the national good, a grasping, well-connected few were making millions from PPE for their own good. It may not be a crime, but it’s pretty repellent.

Following her non-apology apology to “clear my name”, Mone activated the Nuclear Fire-Sale option, attempting to drag senior Tories down with her. She claims that the Cabinet Office, which Michael Gove led at the time, the Government and the NHS “all knew about my involvement from the very beginning”.

Even squeaky-clean Sunak has not escaped a sarcastic jibe on Twitter (now X) about how much money the Prime Minister would make from his old firm’s investment in vaccine manufacturer Moderna. I fear the “If you think I’m bad, how about them?” defence may not be quite as persuasive as the Baroness thinks.

A former Tory party donor emailed me yesterday to suggest that Michelle Mone should be given the Opportunistic Grifter of the Year award. I emailed back to point out it was a strong field and her victory would hardly be a shoo-in.

The woman is literally shameless, yes, but in 2023 lacking shame became an established PR strategy. If you act like you think you’ve done nothing wrong and play pass-the-blame parcel then maybe the world will be stupid enough to buy it.

There was a lot of shamelessness about in the past 12 months, and other conduct that made you want to hurl the remote at the television.

So, here, in no particular order, are my “awards” of the year (do let me know what yours would be).

Political Party Hellbent on Extinction award

A truly outstanding performance in this category from the Conservatives. Not content with dismaying their voters by reneging on almost every commitment in the 2019 manifesto, Tory “moderates” doubled down this week, warning that the party risked falling into the hands of “extremists” who supported actual Conservative policies.

More than 20 MPs, half of them former ministers, warned that groups like the New Conservatives with their support for low immigration and strong borders risked creating the damaging perception that the Conservative party was “right wing”.

In fact, Conservatives “make up quite a small minority of the Conservative party,” reassured one liberal centrist.

Highly Commended: Rishi Sunak for waking up to the fact that record net immigration figures of 745,000 were unpopular with people who voted for immigration to decrease, not double.

Rishi Sunak
Rishi Sunak might benefit from realising his voters aren't too happy with the immigration figures - Rasid Necati Aslim/Anadolu via Getty Images

But only after sacking Suella Braverman, the minister who kept telling the PM the Government must drastically cut the number of incomers, and was ignored. At this rate, the Tories will be lucky to hold on to 100 seats at the general election. Well done, everyone!

Least Convincing Female award

Isla Bryson, who claimed to be a transgender woman, was called Adam Graham when he raped two actual women. Bryson was charged in 2019 and began transitioning in 2020 which, conveniently, allowed him to be remanded to a women’s prison to await sentencing.

The case caused justifiable horror and spurred the Westminster government to use Section 35 of the Scotland Act to block the Gender Recognition Bill, which would have removed the requirement for a medical diagnosis of gender dysphoria. It also – hallelujah! – marked the beginning of the end of the reign of Queen Nicola Sturgeon.

Isla Bryson
Isla Bryson, formerly known as Adam Graham, at the High Court in Glasgow in January - Andrew Milligan/PA

The story highlighted the cunning of male predators and the way transgenderism can cynically be used to access vulnerable women’s spaces. Bryson’s decision to wear tight red leggings to court was extremely helpful. His actual sex was all too apparent. Lycra cannot lie.

Most Racist and Sexist Diversity award

Aviva or more specifically, Amanda Blanc, the chief executive of the insurance firm, told a Parliamentary committee that all senior white male recruits must get a final sign-off from her as part of a diversity drive. “There is no non-diverse hire at Aviva without it being signed off by me and the chief people officer,” she said proudly. Proof, if any were needed, that the only person it is now safe to discriminate against is a white man.

Blankety Blanc’s obliviousness to the borderline legality of her admission – is being an Anglo Saxon bloke not a “protected characteristic” under the Equality Act? – confirmed the pernicious hold that DEI (Diversity, Equity & Inclusion) has over institutions which used to hire people according to, you know, how good they might be at the job. Not their skin colour or genitalia.

Aviva Group CEO, Amanda Blanc
Aviva Group CEO, Amanda Blanc - Aviva Group

One despairing City boss I spoke to said of one newly-graduated lad: “Alex is personable, articulate, highly numerate, literate with a great degree and he’s white. He is literally at the bottom of the list of people my firm would hire right now.”

So-called “diversity hires” were causing chaos in his business, the man told me, because their written English was so poor the firm’s clients thought they were getting spoof emails from a Nigerian prince. Let’s hope white men, who must form a significant part of Aviva’s client base, treat Amanda Blanc as she treats them. Go woke, go broke!

Abuse of the English Language award

The BBC. The corporation’s stubborn refusal to call the terrorist organisation Hamas a terrorist organisation after the heinous massacres of October 7 brought anger and despair as well as allegations of political prejudice.

A survey last week revealed that 80 per cent of Jews felt less safe in the UK than before the attacks in Israel two months ago. The poll found a collapse in confidence in British institutions, with half saying they trusted the police less than before the attacks and 64 per cent saying they had lost confidence in the BBC. Hardly surprising. Language matters.

Moral equivocation in the face of such evil was disgusting. It may have encouraged the gullible to join those pro-Palestine marches that became such an unwanted, disturbing feature of weekend life in London. Personally, I’m still reeling from hearing Radio 4’s Today programme refer to the hostages, who were brutally snatched and incarcerated by Hamas, including small children and a baby, as “detainees”.

The Gary Lineker Award for the Most Self-Congratulatory and Obnoxious Opinion on Any Given Subject award

Gary Lineker.

Worst Public Inquiry award

Covid. If you haven’t booked to see a Christmas panto, never fear, there’s always Lady Justice Hallett’s thigh-slapping Whitehall farce. Only with us for five months so far, the Covid Inquiry has already eaten up £70 million of public money.

=Around £750K a day on barristers and solicitors is surely money well spent. It’s not as if we could use it for school catch-up programmes or to help the million or so children with mental health problems caused by lockdown, is it?

Fall about as the KC to the Inquiry, Hugo Keith, entertains us with his amusing grasp of herd immunity!

Baroness Hallett, the retired Court of Appeal judge, is chairing the public inquiry into the Covid-19 pandemic
Baroness Hallett, chair of the public inquiry into the Covid-19 pandemic which has already cost £70 million of public money - UK Covid-19 Inquiry/PA

Gasp as perfectly sensible questions about the origins of the virus and devastating trade-offs are ruled out and scientific “experts” who got almost everything wrong are lauded! Try not to get annoyed when one of the bereaved says how upset she is that her mother died of Covid. And then reveals her mother was 92. (Yes, NINETY-TWO.)

The inquiry could, of course, wrap up early. It could conclude that lockdowns do not have much effect on the spread of a virus and that Covid really wasn’t Ebola; more like the flu wearing hobnail boots. Oh, and the UK is stony broke, so we could never afford another lockdown anyway. But where’s the fun – and the dosh for lawyers – in that? This one will run and run. Could it be time for a public inquiry looking into why we are so bad at public inquiries?

For God’s Sake, Please Make it Stop! award

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex. A tricky year for Harry and Meghan reheating their Royal grievances, scraping the crusty burnt bits off the bottom of the pan, to keep the millions flowing into Montecito.

Attention-grabbing lowlights include a “near-catastrophic car chase” which doesn’t actually seem to have taken place. Or not the chase bit anyway. And then there was Harry explaining on The Late Show With Stephen Colbert about his “frost-nipped todger”. Eeuw!

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex
To the the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, I present a coveted ‘For God’s Sake, Please Make it Stop!’ award - Chris Jackson/Getty Images

The publication of the Prince’s autobiography, Spare, was supposed to elicit sympathy for Harry’s tragic childhood, but failed because it was a whingefest by a man-boy who is still moaning that, aged eight, he got the worst bedroom in Granny’s castle.Hardly Oliver Twist. Is there anything more unappealing than a Royal who turned his back on duty and gives a tone-deaf account of his massive, unearned privilege?

The book backfired. The reliably woke New York Times started describing the Sussexes’ remorseless, calculating lament as a “whingefest”. Even Harry’s recent victory in the civil courts over phone hacking by the Mirror Group was pretty much cancelled out when The Hollywood Reporter listed the semi-adjacent Royals among the biggest losers of 2023 for their “whiny Netflix documentary, a whiny biography (Spare – even the title is a pouty gripe ) and inert podcast”.

If the idea was to make it big in America and set up a rival court to William and Kate’s, that ship has hit the rocks. Thawing relations with His Majesty the King may prove more difficult, I suspect, than defrosting the todger.

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