‘The Bachelor’ Week 2 recap: What happened with Charlotte’s Madina Alam this week?

“The Bachelor” returns this week, with Joey Graziadei’s remaining women having officially moved into the mansion to start their journey to love. Included in the group is a local model and therapist from Charlotte.

Last week, 31-year-old Madina Alam was among the group of women who hit it off and got a rose from the tennis teaching pro.

Madina Alam of Charlotte with Joey Graziadei on the Jan. 22 episode of “The Bachelor” on ABC.
Madina Alam of Charlotte with Joey Graziadei on the Jan. 22 episode of “The Bachelor” on ABC.

Now, it’s time for the games to begin. Here’s what happened for the local woman, who is the only North Carolina contestant this season.

22 women. 3 dates. 1 week.

This week, the 22 remaining women moved into the infamous Bachelor mansion, where they got to settle in for the season and learn what lies ahead for the week.

“There are going to be three dates. There’s going to be two group dates and there’s going to be one incredibly romantic one-on-one,” host Jesse Palmer told the girls. “As always, there’s going to be roses up for grabs at each date.”

Joey Graziadei and other contestants during a wedding-themed group date on the Jan. 29 episode of “The Bachelor” on ABC.
Joey Graziadei and other contestants during a wedding-themed group date on the Jan. 29 episode of “The Bachelor” on ABC.

Bachelor Boot Camp

Madina was picked for one of the group dates — the second one featured on Monday’s program. She and nine other women got down and dirty for a “Bachelor Boot Camp” hosted by former “Bachelor” contestants Demi Burnett and Jubilee Sharpe.

From jumping jacks to tire flips, the women went through an extensive warm-up before breaking off into teams for an intense paint war. The prize: extra time with Joey.

Joey Graziadei on the Jan. 29 episode of “The Bachelor” on ABC.
Joey Graziadei on the Jan. 29 episode of “The Bachelor” on ABC.

Luckily, Madina’s Blue team won “Paint Battle Royale” for extra time with Joey following the group date.

But in a turn of events, not all of them would get that special time like they thought.

“I was on the team that won, but only one woman gets time with Joey, so I really want my name on that card,” Madina said.

After a lot of anticipation (and a hot shower to clean off the paint), the date card finally arrived, saying: “You all showed grit and heart today, but the one woman that I feel is most deserving to spend the evening with is Edwina.”

“It does suck that, you know. We worked together as a team and you know, of course, I would’ve liked to talk to him at least a little bit today. But, you know, we have that cocktail party tomorrow, so I’m hopeful for that,” Madina said.

“There is a lot of pressure for me. Like, I’m 31 and so, I think, like, the age thing is making me a little emotional. It just feels like it kind of stinks being like the oldest person here… I just feel like my time is limited. I really don’t have the time to waste.”

Madina’s ‘old’? Are these controversial comments?

But while Madina was talking about her own experience, those comments sparked some negative feelings among the other women — particularly Maria.

“A lot of us are older than Joey, so like, that’s not something to be insecure about. Should I feel bad that I’m older than some of the girls here? Older than Joey? Like, I don’t feel weird about that,” Maria privately shared. “Madina, you are 31. Own it.”

That’s when that small comment led to bigger drama among others in the house — especially after Maria was heard talking negatively about what Madina said and allegedly “downplaying” her feelings.

“If Madina truly does feel insecure about her age, I feel for her,” Maria said. “But there’s a rose ceremony tonight and I am worried for what Joey might think of me if he hears anything. That’s why I just want to know who’s bringing me up.”

But even through the next day, the drama of Madina and Maria’s comments brought a lot of tension among everyone before and during the cocktail party.

Maria did end up talking to Madina, but it didn’t go over well between the two.

“I heard the comment that you said ‘Well I’m old too,’” Madina said. “It made it feel like you didn’t think that that was a valid reason to be upset, but there’s much more to this story.”

After putting a pause on their private conversation, the rest of the women got involved — again — when Maria confronted the group to find out who was behind the “rumor” of what she said.

Sydney admitted she was the one who spoke up to Madina, which dragged the drama on even more and sparked another argument between the two — especially because Maria said she did not intend for her comments to be condescending.

“I feel for her because I want her to own it,” Maria said. “I think she’s not only a hot 31-year-old, she’s beautiful in and out and Joey would never look at her and say ‘31? Too old for me baby. Not gonna happen’…So for this to be a conversation is crazy. Do we not all agree this was a little nuts?”

“That was probably the dumbest fight on Bachelor history,” Maria said.

Did Madina Get A Rose?

Madina did get a rose and will continue her connection with Joey for another week.

“This week has been emotionally taxing with all of the drama that’s been going on,” Madina said. “I hope he sees that he means a lot to me and that I genuinely just don’t care about the drama…I’m just going to continue to keep my eyes forward and just focus on the reason I’m here, which is the end.”

Who Got Eliminated During The Rose Ceremony?

Of the 22 women left this season, here’s who did not get a rose from the Bachelor and ended up going home:

  • Erika

  • Marlena

  • Taylor

Aside from the rose ceremony eliminations, Lauren also chose to go home after self-eliminating.

How to watch “The Bachelor”

You can watch “The Bachelor” every Monday at 8 p.m. on ABC and on Hulu the day following their premieres.