How Baltimore PD's tactics in handling convicted sex offender Jason Billingsley may have enabled him to kill a tech CEO

Jason Billingsley - the man accused of raping and murdering Pava LePere
Jason Billingsley is charged with the murder of Pava LaPere, a Baltimore tech CEO.Arantza Pena Popo for Insider
  • Jason Billingsley is charged with first degree murder over the death of tech CEO Pava LaPere. 

  • Billingsley fits the profile of an offender who wants to “humiliate” and “hurt” his victims, an expert told Insider.

  • The 32-year-old is due back in court on Oct. 25.

On Tuesday, September 19, after 154 check-ins with authorities since his mandatory release from prison in October, convicted sex offender Jason Dean Billingsley missed a treatment session.

The same day, Billingsley, 32, became the prime suspect in the rape and attempted murder of a couple who were set on fire in a West Baltimore rooming house and left to die.

The Tier 3 sex offender, the most serious classification in Maryland, was on the loose. The Baltimore City Police Department had a decision to make.

Should they inform the public and put residents, local and city wide, on warning about a wanted rapist and attempted murderer on the run? Or, should they take a tactical route – keep the information close to the vest and try to capture the repeat offender before he goes underground?

Louis Schlesinger, a forensic psychology professor at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, said the crime scene gave all the clues of exactly how dangerous the person responsible was.

"His behavior at the crime scene itself has all the earmarks of a compulsive and sadistic offender," Schlesinger told Insider. "Obviously this guy is a predator. You don't need to be Sigmund Freud to know that."

The nature of the crimes on Sept. 19 included rape, strangulation, and cutting one victim's throat, binding her and a handcuffed male victim in duct tape, dousing the couple with a flammable liquid and setting them on fire, according to police reports and a detailed account of the attack by the male victim, published by the Baltimore Banner.

The Baltimore rooming house where police say Jason Billingsley attempted to kill a couple
The Baltimore rooming house where police say Jason Billingsley attempted to kill a couple three days before they allege he murdered Pava LaPere.Glynis Kazanjian/Insider

Rape alone is not enough, expert says

Police said a back pack was recovered behind the rooming house crime scene. It contained a serrated knife, rolls of duct tape, several pieces of used duct tape, some with hair stuck to it, silver handcuffs, condom wrappers, and damp blue towels with apparent bleach stains. Next to the back pack a bleach container was found, along with a gas can and lighter.

Schlesinger said the backpack was the suspects's rape kit.

"He just doesn't want to rape the person, he wants to hurt the person, be sadistic with the person and humiliate perhaps the [male friend]," Schlesinger said. "The binding and the handcuffs is just to dominate the person and place the person in a submissive way. Why? Because just raping alone is not psychosexually sufficient. Killing alone is not psychosexually sufficient. This is all his psychological make up."

Billingsley was also convicted in 2013 for a first degree sex offense when he forced a woman at knife point to perform oral sex on him, after hitting her in the face and strangling her. In 2010 he was convicted of assault after punching his girlfriend in the head and face and pinning her down on the ground. In both instances, he stole something from the victim.

All three offenses occurred while Billingsley was on parole, and notably within one mile of the offender's recorded home addresses, according to charging documents.

"In general criminals, not just rapists, commit crimes where they are comfortable and gain comfort in familiar surroundings," Schlesinger said. "He had some connection with [his victims] or felt comfortable. And, escalation of criminal behavior with respect to severity is very typical."

High risk sex offender

Billingsley was sentenced to 30 years with 16 years suspended for his 2013 first degree assault, threat and force charge, despite concerns expressed by the presiding judge that the sentence was too lenient.

The plea deal was finalized under the Mosby administration on February 4, 2015, a spokesman from the Baltimore City State's Attorney's Office said.

On October 5, 2022, after spending nine years and three months in prison, Billingsley was released early under mandatory supervision, despite being denied parole twice — once on January 30, 2020 and again on appeal on February 12, 2020.

"The MD Parole Commission deemed him to be high-risk due to the nature of his prior convictions," a spokesman from the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services (DPSCS) said.

In Maryland, sex offenders can receive "diminution credits" for early release which are awarded for good conduct, work tasks, education, and special projects, according to DPSCS.

"Billingsley's supervision level required weekly contact,” (after his October release) a DPSCS spokesperson said. "He met with his agent 154 times since release to supervision. He had multiple calls, visits, and home and employment verifications throughout his time under the supervision of the Division of Parole and Probation. He was compliant until he missed a treatment session on 9/19."

Schlesinger said some people may be lulled into a false sense of security by thinking that they can tell whether someone is dangerous or not by looking at or talking to the person.

"Some of these people mask or cover up their deviancy by having a fairly normal facade," Schlesinger said. "My guess would be he may look fairly normal. So if they see someone who looks normal and who can talk, who is articulate, for example, can hold the conversation and look pretty normal, they're not dangerous. That's not true."

Attorney Jason Rodriguez, from the Maryland Office of the Public Defender, is representing Billingsley. A spokesman from his office said he is not commenting on the case.

Baltimore Police Decide Not To Inform The Public About Billingsley's Crime

One day after the Sept. 19 rape and attempted murders of a West Baltimore rooming house couple, Baltimore police made their decision. They decided to not inform the public about Billingsley and instead try to apprehend him covertly.

Police said their main rationale was that Billingsley knew his victims and that he was there for a reason, though they didn't say what the reason was. This led Baltimore Police to believe that the crimes were not random and therefore not deemed an immediate threat to the public.

"At that time, we did not believe that he was committing random acts," acting Baltimore Police Commissioner Richard Worley previously said. "We think he committed a targeted act on the victims that he victimized that day."

Law enforcement also initially under-reported the crime to the public, according to the Baltimore Banner.

"The first attack occurred Sept. 19, in the 800 block of Edmondson Avenue. Police initially reported the incident as an 'arson investigation' in which two victims were found suffering from 'multiple injuries,'" police said, according to the Baltimore Banner. "A 5-year-old child was also located unharmed," according to the Banner. "There was no mention of a rape or assault, and a spokesperson declined to confirm a reporter's questions at the time about whether the victims had been bound."

Details in the police report also differ from the male victim's version of the initial attack and omit the alleged strangulation of the female victim. The address of the crime is also blacked out in Billingsley's charging documents.

The Baltimore Police Department did not respond to a request for comment about their decision to not inform the public of the Sept. 19 crimes.

Pava LaPere's family speak at a vigil
Frank LaPere, Nico LaPere and Caroline LaPere, the family of Pava LaPere, founder of tech startup EcoMap Technologies, speak during a vigil on Wednesday, Sept. 27, 2023, in Baltimore. AP Photo/Stephanie ScarbroughStephanie Scarbrough

Pava LaPere is killed three days later

Three days later on Friday, Sept. 22, Pava LaPere, a 26-year old CEO of EcoMap Technologies, was raped and murdered at the West Franklin Street apartment building where she lived and worked. The apartment building is located approximately one mile from the Edmondson Avenue attacks.

Her body wasn't discovered until Monday morning.

According to a police report, LaPere was found on the roof of the building half clothed, with trauma to her head, face and body. A brick, three teeth, and a broken hair clip were recovered at the scene. The medical examiner determined she died by strangulation and blunt-force trauma.

By Tuesday police identified Billingsley as the primary suspect in the rape and murder and announced publicly a warrant for his arrest.

"This individual will kill and he will rape," said Worley said at a press conference. "He will do anything he can to cause harm."

LaPere's family declined to comment.

Police acknowledged getting close to capturing Billingsley at least once, but admitted they lost track of him.

On Wednesday, Sept. 27 at 11:10 p.m, Billingsley was captured in Bowie, a city in Prince George's County, Maryland, ending a manhunt that started Sept. 20.

At a press conference on Thursday, Sept. 28, Worley defended the department's decision to not alert the public about Billingsley on Sept. 19.

"If I would have known that he was going to go and kill someone, we would have put the flier out, but we had no indication that he was committing random acts," Worley said. "If we made a mistake I would tell you we made a mistake, like I did in Brooklyn. I don't think we made a mistake in this case."

Schlesinger said it appeared to be the wrong decision, but he cautioned anyone from criticizing the people who have to make the decision.

"They made a judgment. Obviously it was incorrect in this case," Schlesinger said. "These are very complicated decisions made every day.  It's very easy in hindsight to criticize people, like parole, the police or a therapist when something goes horribly wrong. These are very difficult situations."

Others disagreed.

A person with direct knowledge of the situation, who requested anonymity, wasn't as understanding.

"Things went very wrong with the September 19 event and the October 2022 early release."

The person also said former Baltimore City State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby was culpable for agreeing to a plea bargain in 2015 that gave Billingsley a reduced sentence for a 2013 sexual assault.

"We should have been informed," said Eric Chapman, 31, who lives in the same block where the Sept. 19 attack occurred. "You got people out here who are innocent bystanders and caring residents who want to be social but would never know."

Chapman asked how women in particular could protect themselves from someone Billingsley's size. At the time of the attack he stood 6'4" tall and weighed 305 pounds, according to police records.

"They should have let the public know," said Woody Whitaker, 45, a resident in the same neighborhood. "This man was raping and setting people on fire and then he killed that young lady four days later. It's sad."

Duvon Bailey, 25, a property manager in the neighborhood said he would "100%" want to know.

"We should have been informed of a situation like this," he said. "That's a major problem. Giving people information to protect themselves would be a benefit. I understand not wanting to get the whole neighborhood in a panic, but you are also putting people at risk by not doing so."

On Monday, Oct. 2 Worley was confirmed as police commissioner by the Baltimore City Council.

A rough childhood

Jason Billingsley's mugshot
Police charged Jason Billingsley with first degree murder over Pava LaPere's killing.Associated Press

In an October 6 Spotify interview, titled, "The man beyond the monster," Billingsley's sister, Jasmine Billingsley, recalled some of the harsh realities of her brother's childhood.

She said she and Billingsley, along with three other siblings, grew up in foster care, in separate homes.

"Jason was sexually abused growing up in some of those homes by men," Jasmine said. "It wasn't until we were older and kind of having bonding moments about the system that he expressed to me about the sexual trauma that he experienced was at the hands of adults who happened to be men."

She said she didn't think he had a home that he stayed in for multiple years where he could really gravitate towards a family and call them his own.

"Unfortunately, at a very young age, Jason started to get in trouble with the law," Jasmine Billingsley added.

She said she saw a good side of her brother when they were living together in Baltimore as adults, with their mother.

She said after Billingsley got out of prison, her brother would meet her at the bus stop late at night after a hospital shift to make sure she got home safely.

"It can be very dangerous," Jasmine Billingsley said of the Baltimore neighborhood. "I did always feel like [he] protected me as far as making sure that I was safe, especially because I was in such a foreign territory. . . It felt like a third world country."

But Billingsley started to lose focus, his sister said. He was very handsome and women gravitated towards him.

"I think he's a magnet for women," Jasmine Billingsley said. "Instead of keeping the job where he got paid well, instead of focusing on that aspect, I felt like he started to focus on this woman and that woman, and then they started to take care of him. He went away from the whole job and wanting to work and build a life."

She said her mother was not very supportive of her brother. While Jasmine Billingsley was trying to encourage him to improve his life, their mother did not. Insider contacted Billingsley's mother for comment, but did not receive a response.

While Billingsley has not yet been tried in a court of law for his alleged offenses on Sept. 19 and 22, his sister Jasmine Billingsley says she has no sympathy for him and is not trying to make excuses.

"I cannot express in words what it feels like for the monster to be related to you," she said. "I express my deepest, deepest, deepest condolences to the family who lost their loved one, to the victims that were violated."

Billingsley was remanded and is due back in court Oct. 25.

Natalie Musumeci contributed reporting. 

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