Bears desperate for dip in woman’s pool didn’t let screen get in way, Florida video shows

A mama bear made a beeline through an open hole the screen surrounding a Florida woman’s pool and went straight for the water, a video posted on Facebook shows.

She sniffs the water and seems to take a little drink before dipping her paws in, the video shows. It was posted on May 22 by Jeanene Kelly, of Naples.

The bear knew right where to go because a few weeks prior, she’d torn the hole in the screen herself, Kelly told McClatchy News. Kelly was still working on getting it repaired when the bear came back for another visit, this time with company.

“Here comes a baby bear,” Kelly can be heard in the background saying. “Oh (expletive). They’re both coming in. They’re both here.”

They each lower themselves slowly into the pool — the mom going in backwards as the woman off camera laughs.

But after a quick dip, they hop back out again.

The high temperature in Naples on May 22 was 90 degrees, according AccuWeather, so Kelly said she imagines the mother bear was looking to cool off.

“I’ll say she was hot enough and wanted a dip, and that’s exactly what she did too,” she said.

Kelly said she isn’t afraid of the bears, and in fact, she enjoys them.

“The only thing is she’s destroyed property,” she said of the bear. “She tore right through the screen.”

The same bear also loves to visit and munch on pineapples growing in her yard.

“It’s been exciting to be around the wildlife that’s here in Florida,” she said.

Around 4,050 black bears live in Florida, according to the state’s wildlife commission. The area around Naples in southwest Florida has among the densest populations of bears in the state, according to the agency’s distribution map.

Naples is about 110 miles west of Miami.

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