Behavioural Changes That Can Help You Lead a Happier Life

Happiness has been considered a luxury in a woman’s life. For centuries now, women have been classified as a self-sacrificial one. But gradually and rightly so, courageous naysayers and numerous strong women have emerged, gloriously treading on the path towards a happier and healthier life.

Breaking away from centuries of hard-coding and conditioned behaviour can be a mammoth task. There will always be things you must do to make your life smoother and more comfortable, but the idea is to get things off your plate and not add more to it!

So, let’s take you through some simple things, simple behavioral changes that can help women lead a less stressful and much fuller lives.

Easy behavioural changes can help you lead a happier life. Still from the film, 'Queen'
Easy behavioural changes can help you lead a happier life. Still from the film, 'Queen'

There’s no need to please everyone

It’s easy to get swayed by praises especially when a girl in her youth is constantly taught to be pretty and polite. A happy woman however, does not look for sweet words anyone in exchange for her effort and time. Instead, she invests that time to learn something that will give her long-term satisfaction.

Stop putting yourself down to boost a fellow's morale

No matter the culture, girls have been conditioned to not steal the limelight and be as modest as possible. In the process, even women who become bright visionaries and have achieved an abundance of accolades in their lives, tend to downplay their glories to make room for the achievements of their counterparts. A happy woman knows her worth and never sells herself short as a means to uplift another.

Avoid indulging in negative gossip about other female friends - We girls need to stand up for one another!

This is a blanket accusation against women, gossiping in itself is not a backstabbing act. But women have almost always been pitted against not just men, but also each other for the frivolous joys of placing blame in society. A happy woman is well aware that she can shine just as bright among her peers too. In fact, if anything, she will only be pushed to achieve greater things with the support she receives as well as gives to her fellow femme-family. Ditching this pattern of bad-mouthing one another is the greatest asset a happy woman rightly owns.

Identify, avoid and walk out of toxic situations and relationships

To fall into the trap of a toxic relationship, be it romantic or professional or social, which once provided you happiness, is a harsh reality for all of humanity. Life throws you a curve ball and you must adapt sooner than later. A happy woman knows how to find her equilibrium and dig her way out of this quicksand. She understands quite speedily, what is destroying her confidence and mental health, and removes herself from the situation towards greener pastures.

Always find ‘me-time’

Never to be forgotten and to always be prioritised, what keeps a happy woman going in all her conquests is her ability to zoom out and find time to get some fresh perspective. She remembers to put her mental health first and chalks out time to spend with herself, by herself, doing only the things she truly loves!

It’s no secret that the levels of choice, influence and control women have over their life’s events is directly linked to their mental health. For a woman to feel empowered, she must overcome the state of powerlessness and gain control of her own life. This process is one that must occur if you want to conquer hardships and emerge triumphant. We hope this helps you become invincible in your prowess and shine bright through all of life’s challenges!

(Edited by Neha Baid)

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