B.C.’s Christy Clark gets attention for showing cleavage, another politician for not

For those looking for reasons why more women don't get involved in politics, look no further.
While watching Question Period in B.C.'s legislature Wednesday, David Schreck, political pundit and former NDP MLA, stirred up controversy when he asked: "Is Premier Clark's cleavage-revealing attire appropriate for the legislature?"
Schreck was referring to Clark's v-shaped neckline dress which he deemed too revealing.
Many of Schreck's Twitter followers were angered by his comments.
"It's sexist, David, to call out her bust line!" responded Liberal pundit Alise Mills.
Mark Marissen, Clark's ex-husband and former adviser to Paul Martin, even came to her defense.
"As an unofficial voice of the NDP, you have sunk to a new low. Shame on you, Mr. Schreck," he wrote.
Schreck didn't back down, however, and later posted a curt retort on the website of the Georgia Straight newspaper.
"I don't consider it to be getting into trouble to raise sensitive issues. It may be politically incorrect to discuss Premier Clark's attire, but no other woman shows cleavage in the legislature," he wrote.
"You wouldn't advise a job seeker to dress like she was going out for the evening when she goes to work. Clark represents B.C. and should dress and behave like a professional."
Meanwhile, in Ontario, another female politician was getting attention for the same reason — in her case, it was for not showing enough cleavage.
NDP MP Rathika Sitsabaiesan says she is disturbed at the media attention she has received over an edited image of her chest.
A headshot of the Scarborough-Rouge River MP gained attention last month when it was discovered her cleavage had been hidden by altering a photo in her parliamentary photograph.
She told the Toronto Star if the photo were that of a man and his image had been tampered with, it likely wouldn't be an issue.
"This is exactly the sort of thing that we are focusing more on what women are wearing, how they appear and less on what's actually coming out of their mouths. We need to focus on the real issues at hand," she said.
News flash to Schreck and all the Schreck-like pundits out there: women have breasts. Get over it.
(CP Photo)