Canadian columnist causes online stir for questioning President Obama’s religion

She calls herself "feisty and outspoken" on her columnist profile. On Monday evening, she didn't disappoint.

Sun Media political columnist Sue-Ann Levy caused an on-line stir for a Tweet during last night's Presidential debate where she appeared to imply that Barack Obama was a Muslim.

Calling Obama a Muslim is nothing new in United States. Many fringe right-wingers have propagated this conspiracy theory about the President having lied to the American people about his Christian roots.


But for a 'journalist' to imply it on Twitter is a little brash and rather irresponsible.

What's worse, instead of clarifying her tweet or explaining what she meant by using the #MuslimBS hashtag, Levy just dug-in deeper as other Canadian journos and bloggers attacked her.

Shameful for "columnist" @sueannlevy to use hashtag #MuslimBS. Racist, ignorant and shameful. — Ian Gordon (@iangordon) October 23, 2012

Tim Hudak should consider himself very lucky that Sue-Ann Levy didn't get elected when she ran for his party in that St Paul's byelection. — Adam Radwanski (@aradwanski) October 23, 2012

I dont think I have ever seen a person so determined to self-destruct in a single unrepentant hate-Twittering session as @sueannlevy tonight — Jonathan Kay (@jonkay) October 23, 2012

Here are some of Levy's responses to her detractors:

And it continued on Tuesday morning:

At the end, it just got nasty. Here's a Tweet from the well-respected Susan Delacourt of the Toronto Star:

If it was "attention", Levy was after on Monday night, she definitely got it.



The Toronto Sun issued this Twitter statement on Tuesday in response to Levy's use of the #MuslimBS hashtag: