Jason Kenney uses UK tragedy to attack Justin Trudeau
It's seems every chance the Tories get these days they're taking a jab at Liberal leader Justin Trudeau.
But maybe this one from Citizenship and Immigration Minister Jason Kenney is a little too soon.
On Thursday afternoon, just a day after the savage attack in London where two men — in an alleged terror attack — hacked a British soldier to death on the streets of London, Kenney tweeted these two doozies.
I hope Justin Trudeau et al don't think the obscene act of hateful violence in the UK was due to "someone who feels completely excluded."
— Jason Kenney (@kenneyjason) May 23, 2013
After Boston, Mr. Trudeau said "our approach has to be, OK, where do those tensions come from?" Should we have same approach to UK attack? — Jason Kenney (@kenneyjason) May 23, 2013
Kenney is referring to Trudeau's 'root cause' argument that he made shortly after the Boston Marathon bombings last month. Trudeau had argued that the bombings happened because there was someone who felt "completely excluded." Harper and the Conservatives chided him for that comment for weeks.
[ Related: ‘You are going to lose,’ British mother tells machete-wielding terror suspect ]
For his tweets on Thursday, Kenney earned some social media backlash.
My goodness, Jason Kenney must have a lovely view of the river from under that bridge. #cdnpoli
— Jeni (@joyandwoe) May 23, 2013
In using #Woolwich for partisan #cdnpoli attack, Jason Kenney tries to prove that he is #cpc leader material, by competing to be most vile. — Kevin Bourassa (@KevinBourassa) May 23, 2013
Jason Kenney trying to use UK tragedy to attack Trudeau. Lame and sad gasp of a govt up to its neck in its own fecal matter #cdnpoli
— Stephen Lautens (@stephenlautens) May 23, 2013
A new poll by Forum Research might give us a hint as to why Kenney was quick to attack Trudeau about this. According to the poll, conducted for the National Post, the Liberals have the support of 44 per cent of the public, the Conservatives are at 27 per cent while the NDP are at 20 per cent.
[ Related: Are the Conservatives playing victim when it comes to their portrayal in the media? ]
Or maybe Kenney was just trying to 'change the channel' on the Senate scandal.
(Photo courtesy of the Canadian Press)
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