NDP issues two English-language press releases on federal budget: one for Canada, and one for Quebec

The New Democrats did a very peculiar thing on Thursday afternoon.

Canada's official opposition party issued two English-language press releases about the Harper government's budget: one was for Canadians, and the other was for Quebecers.

The one for 'Canadians' was titled "Conservative budget slashes health care, pensions," and starts like this: "NDP Leader Thomas Mulcair today slammed Stephen Harper's Conservatives for introducing a budget that recklessly cuts the vital services that Canadians rely on—such as Old Age Security and health care."

The second one is titled "The Conservative budget: no relief for Quebecers."

"Stephen Harper promised to protect health care funding and never even mentioned his plan to cut Old Age Security. Now, he is putting Quebecers' retirement security and primary healthcare in peril with these reckless cuts," Mulcair is quoted as saying.

Both press releases, similar in tone but slightly different in context, are posted on the party's website.

Upon reading the two press releases, political analyst Norman Spector sarcastically tweeted: "I guess the NDP's BC-specific budget press release is still to come!"

The Liberal Party only issued one press release about the budget. As did the Green Party, and the Conservatives.

Could Thomas Mulcair, the party's new leader be pandering to voters in his home province? Why did the NDP feel Quebecers needed a special English-language press release? Aren't Quebecers still considered Canadians?

Maybe it's a sign of things to come.


Interestingly, and perhaps as damage control, the NDP has issued a B.C. specific press release more than 16 hours after the Quebec press release.

We're still waiting for press releases for Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario...