Photoshopped ‘Stop Harper’ sign at Stanley Cup finals signals birth of a meme

Could we be witnessing the birth of the Web's next great meme?

Shortly after Stephen Harper appeared at game four of the Stanley Cup finals, the above picture began spreading like wildfire on social networks.

Initially, many were fooled into believing the hockey fan sitting behind Stephen Harper really had staged a sequel to Brigette DePape's throne speech protest.

The Photoshopped image is the first popular manipulation of the 'Stop Harper' sign, but seems unlikely to be the last (you can see the original image here.) 'Stop Harper' may be destined to follow in the footsteps of recent photo memes such as Princess Beatrice's royal wedding hat and Sad Keanu.

Where will 'Stop Harper' show up next?

(Photo credit: @natnewswatch/Twitpic)