Senators Patrick Brazeau and Mac Harb to pay back living expenses: report

The poster boys for abolishing the Senate are going to have to 'pay the piper.'

CTV News is reporting that independent Senator Patrick Brazeau will have to pay back $30,000 and Liberal Senator Mac Harb owes over $100,000 for inappropriately claiming Senate housing allowances.

The $21,000 annual living allowance is for senators who keep a 'second home' in Ottawa and a primary residence somewhere else. The Senate finance committee, however, ordered an independent audit after media reports suggested that Brazeau, Harb and Conservative Senator Mike Duffy claimed the benefit while actually living in the National Capital Region.

Duffy — who was also subject to the audit — has already paid back over $90,000. Meanwhile, a review of Senator Pamela Wallin's travel expenses continues.

On Thursday, according to CTV, the Senate will debate on whether the audit findings should be forwarded to the RCMP.

[ Related: Senator Mike Duffy says he paid back housing allowance, Senate confirms ]

While this is clearly a win for Canadian taxpayers, it's also a reminder that the public is still 'getting screwed.'

Maybe the Senate finance committee should order a review on how unelected and unaccountable senators regularly use taxpayer dollars to attend party fundraisers or events.

How about Senate staffers? Are any of them doing partisan work under the guise of government work?

How about travel expenses? Should senators be allowed to fly business class on the taxpayers' dime?

[ Related: Mike Duffy and Pamela Wallin among the Senate’s big spenders ]

Finally, why does the public continually let prime ministers get away with appointing former candidates, financial contributors and party staffers to the upper chamber?

Duffy, Wallin, Brazeau and Harb have indeed sullied the reputation the Senate.

Unfortunately, their malfeasance might just be the tip of the iceberg.

(Photo courtesy of the Canadian Press)

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