8-foot crocodile hides undetected beneath man’s bed in Zimbabwe

8-foot crocodile hides undetected beneath man’s bed in Zimbabwe

A childhood bedtime fear came true for a Zimbabwe man recently when there really was a scaly monster under his bed — an eight-foot crocodile that slept under him the whole night.

Guy Whittall, a 40-year-old director at Humani Lodge, told Yahoo! UK he woke up one morning, dangled his bare feet over the bed and then walked into the kitchen, where he was eating breakfast when he heard a housekeeper scream.

He returned to his bedroom and found a 330-pound crocodile wishing him a terrifying good morning. Whittall did not share his coffee with his unwelcome house guest. Instead, he told media his colleagues helped him rope the croc and pull it outside by its tail, where he released it into the nearby Chigwidi dam.

[ Related: Thai family uses crocodiles to guard home, stop burglars ]

An even bigger crocodile recently trapped a tourist on an Australian island for two weeks, according to Agence France-Presse. A man identified as Ryan from New Zealand had kayaked to Governor Island, but each time he tried to leave, a crocodile measuring about 20 feet followed him, sending him scurrying back to shore, the news agency reported.

After two weeks, his water and food supplies dwindling, an Australian resident saw a light on the island and went out to rescue him, according to AFP.