BC man learns the true meaning of a bad day after he catches fire and gets hit by a train
Ever have a day when you feel like you've been set on fire and hit by a train?
The key word, of course, is "feel." Because as one Kamloops, B.C. man recently learned, there's a big difference between a crappy day and actually having these two things happen to you in the span of a few hours.
As the Canadian Press reports, an inebriated 51-year-old man fell asleep while smoking in a grassy area behind his home.
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RCMP Staff Sgt. Grant Learned told the news agency that the flames searing through his clothing eventually woke the man up.
For reasons that will make sense by the end of this story, Learned said the man jumped on a bicycle and fled the scene instead of calling the authorities.
So when police responded to a call about a pedestrian hit by a train along a section of CP track, it's doubtful they imagined they'd also find the "man running from the scene of a suspicious fire" they'd already been looking for earlier.
The suspect is currently recovering in hospital from serious burns and a head wound received from his abrupt introduction to the country's railway system.
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He may want to stay put for a while, too. When he gets out, the man may have to answer to suspicions that his two-wheeled escape vehicle was also stolen. Although that's a mere drop in the bucket compared to allegations that he was also involved in an assault on a local bus driver last month. No charges have yet been filed.
But considering his recent adventures, he's probably relieved the day only has 24 hours.