Cute carollers fight for their right to spread Christmas cheer outside grocery store

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A grocery store Scrooge was no match for two little girls who just wanted to spread a little cheer.

Two young carollers started singing holiday tunes outside their local WinCo in Vancouver, Washington.

Ayla Bascom and Kaitlyn Manseau stood outside the store with a sign that explicitly stated they were not asking for donations. They were just there to sing.

After almost an hour of giving what they hoped was "a warm, fuzzy feeling" to passing customers, a store employee told them to leave the property, blaming store policy and expressing concern that their renditions of "Jingle Bell Rock" and "Silent Night" would offend customers who don't celebrate Christmas.

"I was like bummed," Ayla told KATU. "We were both depressed that we couldn't spread any more love and joy and cheer."

The Stir's Michele Zipp defended the girls:

"We don't need a war on Christmas, or any beautiful holiday people celebrate. We need more cheer."

A friend of Ayla and Kaitlyn contacted their local news station. KATU-TV reporter Emily Sinovic appealed to a corporate attorney for WinCo who didn't "see any harm a couple little girls singing" and let store managers know that store policy doesn't forbid it.

Not only are the little girls allowed to sing again, they've had the opportunity to sing on local television — and spread their "love and joy and cheer" to an even wider audience.