Instagram account turns break-up lines into pastries to help get you through the heartbreak

[Breakups. We’ve all gone through them… /Instagram]

A tough breakup can send you into a total tailspin, soothing your feelings with junk food in front of the TV.

It is with that in mind the Eat Your Heart Out Instagram account was created.

The woman behind the heartbreak confectionery, Isabelle Giancarlo, describes the project as “a series of words remembered from break-ups reimagined as something sweet” on her website.

The treats depicted run the gamut from the standard, “It’s not you, it’s me” cookies and hopeful, “We can still be friends” cutouts to downright mean and nasty.



Some lines are too awkward for cookies, so Giancarlo bakes them into a pie.



The mean ones go on brownies, because you know you can’t be mad at a brownie.



For other people, it’s really important to let an ex know they put in an effort.



If you have any gems from your own past relationships you think should adorn a tasty pie or cookie you can submit your own lines on Giancarlo’s website.