Many memes are now illegal in Russia

A famous Internet meme that has now become illegal, according to a Russian federal agency.
A famous Internet meme that has now become illegal, according to a Russian federal agency.


The relationship between Russia and the Internet resembles every story of star-crossed lovers; ultimately, it ends with someone getting hurt.

Last week, the Roskomnadzor, the federal agency overseeing communications in Russia, updated its infamous "personal data" law (which already allows the agency to block websites indifferently).

The update states that any image/meme or parody account "falsely picturing" a public personality would become illegal.

Slap the b**** in the face!, this meme says.
Slap the b**** in the face!, this meme says.

The change came about because Russian singer Valeri Syutkin sued a website for publishing a meme of him, and he requested that the already existing law be modified.


The update also mentions that celebrities will have to report the defamations themselves.

Meme creators: This is means you should use the little time you have left to save every single one of these wonderful gifs and tasteful montages of Vladimir Putin before the Russian government takes them all down.

Although the Internet will probably not be able to resist making more of these Putin memes: