Pet alpaca’s Instagram account raises the bar for cute animals


What is the internet for if not looking at pictures and videos of adorable animals?

So it’s no surprise that someone in Australia has set up an Instagram account to document the life and times of their pet alpaca named ‘Chew-paca’ or ‘Chewy’ for short.

So far, the remarkably photogenic animal has amassed an online following of more than 1,700 people.

Browse Chewy’s account and you’ll see he’s doing everything most Instagrammers post about like eating a healthy meal, hanging out with friends, and of course, the standard beach sunset shot.


Alpacas generally live between 15 to 20 years and Chew-paca is only 2 years old so we can probably expect this Instagram library to grow along with him. So, give Chewy your hand and let him take you on a journey.


[Photos from Instagram]