Prince William rescues Canadian tourist in Wales

The closest most Canadians will get to royalty is standing behind a rope or barrier as one of them walk by, but one Canadian unexpectedly got up close with Prince William.

The 58-year-old tourist was trekking in Anglesey, Wales as part of a walking holiday when she plunged down a crevice and broke her leg, reports the Daily Express. Luckily for her, the prince was nearby and swooped into action, piloting a Sea King helicopter.

Him and the crew flew to the scene of the incident, winched the tourist from a cliff on to the chopper and flew her to a hospital. She may be the only one of her friends who can now say she was saved by Prince Charming.

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"The only way to get her out was by RAF helicopter," said a coastguard spokesman in an Express article. "The winch man had to give her pain relief."

This is the second time in the past week the prince has come to the rescue. He and his crew rescued a 16-year-old girl after she got caught in the current in the sea off Anglesey.

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The Sea King rescue helicopter is the same bird the prince flew when participating in a "water bird" emergency landing during his trip to Prince Edward Island last summer.

(Reuters photo)