Teenage girl takes selfie with dead body

A woman in Alabama is in hot water after taking a selfie with a cadaver.

“….and the winner of the most vain goes to…”

A senior at Clements High School in Limestone County, Alabama, is in hot water over a selfie she took on a recent class field trip.

What’s so wrong with that? People love selfies, right?

The cadaver she took the selfie with would probably disagree.

Oh, yes. This girl has taken Instagram to a new level. She’s shown here smiling in the photo she took with this cadaver at the University of Birmingham’s biology department.

The class had taken a field trip to the University to educate the teens on human anatomy.

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Though, this girl seemed more interested in getting the ultimate selfie — the goal, it seems, of most teens today.

What kind of girl takes a photo of herself with a dead body? A girl who is disrespectful and wildly immature, that’s who. I cringe of the thought of her potential hashtag choices: “#sucksforthisguy #i’mstillsmiling #yolo."

The senior student, whose name has been withheld, removed the photo from her Instagram feed — but we all know that once something’s been posted in the wild world of the Internet, it’s bound to resurface. One of her classmates screen-grabbed the photo after she had posted it and it leaked.

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According to the Huffington Post, the UAB biology department told the station that “sheets were not supposed to be removed from the donated bodies and that under no circumstance were students or any other visitors supposed to have cell phones or recording devices on hand during the tour.”

The university is upset with the incident but wants to preserve the relationship with the school. “No phones are allowed, no photos are to be taken, and faces of cadavers are covered. A student was made explicitly aware of these policies and breached them. This kind of disrespect is unacceptable and very disappointing,” said a statement from the university.

The question of how to discipline this student is still up in the air.

Maybe they should start by deleting her Instagram account and force her to take an interest in something other than herself … anatomy perhaps?

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