Internet has a field day with photo of ‘diabolical’ girl holding an owl

Think of some classic pairings. Peanut Butter and Jelly; Laverne and Shirley; Chicken and Waffles.

Photoshop and Reddit? Well, maybe not just yet, but give it time.

One of the more popular pages on the user-generated news site is the r/photoshopbattles sub-Reddit. It’s a popular place for Photoshop-savvy trolls to place for show off their work and get all the LOLs.

After a photo of a mean-muggin’ little girl holding an owl was recently shared, it didn’t take long for the trolls to make a strange photo even stranger. And I can assure you that in this newsroom, the trolls definitely got all the LOLs.

Dark Lord of the Owls by TallHonky


Harry Potter and the Bad Attitude by TheRealHuntAndRob


A New Recruit by ChrisIacono


“This is MY playground now!” by webdesigner3


Only One Who is Worthy by Chaosmusic


Graphic by fishnbrew
