Photographer has mastered the art of taking cute selfies with animals


Taking selfies with animals can prove to be an incredible challenge but one photographer seems to have mastered the art.

Irish photographer Allan Dixon has an Instagram account filled with some of the best animal selfies the world has ever seen.

From kangaroos to horses and birds to goats, Dixon can be seen posing with various creatures next to him, but he admits getting those photos was no easy task.

“You have to be still, lie down, gain their trust in their environment for awhile,” the photographer told RT. “Most of the time they’re more scared of you than you are of them.”

Dixon also shares his advice for anyone, who wants to take the perfect selfie with an animal.


Turning off the flash and any other sounds on the camera is the first thing so you don’t startle the animal, he told RT. He also suggested taking the camera with you so that the animals think it is part of your body.

“Once you’re in their presence for some time, they’ll come and check you out,” he told the news outlet. “There’s a fine line between curiosity and survival. The main aim is to make them know they are safe being around you.’


Although Dixon has taken many perfect selfies, there is still one animal on his list that he wishes to check off: a lion.

The photographer admits to RT that it may be the last selfie he ever takes.

(Photos: Allan Dixon / Instagram)