Toronto journalist introduces "Draking," amusing Degrassi fans

Toronto journalist Lauren O'Neil found a new hobby getting some attention: Putting Drake's face on wheelchair accessibility signs. (Facebook)

He started from Degrassi — now he’s on wheelchair accessibility signs all over Toronto.

Journalist/blogger Lauren O’Neil and her boyfriend Steven Stinson started what O’Neil calls “draking” a few days ago: Putting stickers of Drake’s head on wheelchair accessibility signs around the city.

[O’Neil with Drake sticker tweet]

"My boyfriend made the stickers last Wednesday and we’ve been ‘draking’ the town ever since," she told Buzzfeed. “We just want to make people smile.”

While many of Drake’s young fans know him only as a rapper, to Canadian TV-watchers, Aubrey Graham will always be Degrassi: The Next Generation's wheelchair-bound James “Jimmy” Brooks.

O’Neil’s hilarious stickers quickly went viral on social media.

[Wheelchair Jimmy tweet]

[Union station]

[Dad tweet]

Drake, who (so far, unsuccessfully) tried to rebrand Toronto as “The 6,” has yet to comment on the stickers.

[“Draking” trend tweet]

It’s always the right time to revisit Jimmy and the rest of the Degrassi gang. See where Drake “started from” below.

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