Well that stinks: Man reported to police for leaving ‘revenge fart’ in woman’s apartment

[File photo, not the actual recipient of the ‘revenge fart’/Thinkstock]

Revenge is a dish best served… smelly?

When a man in Sweden showed up to a woman’s apartment in the pursuit of sex and got denied, he chose to blow off some steam. Literally.

Before exiting the apartment to presumably find someone who will take up his offer, he decided to let out a stinker.

But instead of just taking this odd form of retaliation with stride, the woman saw it as a punishable offense and decided to report it to the police, reports 60abc.com.

In doing so, she said that the “revenge fart” disturbed her peace of mind.

The man and the woman, whose names have not been released to the public, are reported to have previously talked about having sex. And so when the woman said “no” to getting down and dirty, he farted in her apartment and left.

“It smelled very bad in my flat,” she said in the police report.

The police in Laholm had an obligation to check if there were any criminal actions that were taken here, coming up a little flat(ulence). And so, the incident wasn’t investigated any further.

If there’s any moral to possibly take away from this story, it’s that simply walking away is always going to be the best solution.