Wild turkeys attack mailman prompting 911 call

[Don’t mess with a wild turkey/Thinkstock]

We’ve all heard about the mailman’s ongoing rivalry with the family dog, but now he’s got a new foe: the turkey.

A mailman was trying to make his rounds when about seven turkeys “accosted” him, reports Fox News.

“You’re not going to believe this, but I got a [mail] carrier who’s being attacked by wild turkeys and won’t let him deliver the mail,” a New Jersey postmaster told the dispatcher in a 911 call. “They’re actually attacking, biting, they chase the trucks, everything.”

Even though the two can be heard laughing about the ridiculousness of it all, the postmaster asks for them to send someone down to help the mailman out.

And, just like people who are up to no good, all it took was a police siren to get the angry birds to scatter the scene.

“He was concerned that once we left they were going to go back after him,” Tom Smith of the HIllsdale Police Department told CBS2.

The attack came as a surprise to the residents, who said that the turkeys are usually calm.

“They’ve been pretty mellow the last couple of months I’ve lived here,” resident David Margolin told the news network.

“Neither snow, sleet, rain, or turkeys, I guess, kept them from delivering the mail today,” he joked.

Talk about fowl play.