IndyCar practice stops to save ducklings

Ducklings try to cross race course during IndyCar practice. (Screengrab/YouTube)

In what appeared to be a case of irresponsible parenting, a duck led her ducklings across a dangerous Indy racetrack in Detroit last Friday.

A mother duck and her four ducklings waddled onto the racetrack as cars practicing for that weekend's IZOD IndyCar Series doubleheader whizzed past them.

Tragedy was avoided, however, when workers at the track stopped practice to escort the wandering ducklings to safety.

"Why did the mother duck and four ducklings cross the IndyCar racetrack full of giant hunks of metal traveling at tremendous velocity? We have no idea, but we're glad they came out alright," wrote Mashable's Sam Laird.

The following evening, a husky interrupted a baseball game, exploring the field during an NCAA Tournament game between Cal-State Fullerton and Arizona State.