Real-life ‘Bambi’: B.C. animal hospital rescues fawn found next to deceased mother

A rescued baby deer in a screenshot from a Buzz60 video.

It's a bittersweet tale for a real-life 'Bambi,' rescued by a Tri Lake Animal Hospital in Lake County, B.C. The doe, who has been nicknamed 'Jane Doe' and 'Jon Fawn Jovi,' was found by workers at the animal hospital huddled next to her deceased mother.

But since that day, Jane Doe's fortunes have turned around. The Tri Lake Animal Hospital has been nursing her back to health, and doing the best job they can in place of a mother's care. They've been feeding her with first-day goat's milk, to ensure she gets all the nutrients she would have otherwise got from nursing from her mother.

"We found some goat colostrum [first milk] from a couple of our clients," Linda Kaplan, a veterinarian with Tri Lake, told CBC. "It starts the immune system working right away. And goat milk is a good supplement, so we've actually tracked down quite a bit of goat milk."

The fawn is now three days old, and seems to be doing well. The animal hospital is giving her medication to stave off infection, and while there's no guarantee Jane Doe will survive, things are looking promising, and she's getting the kind of care that other animals would fawn over.