Shetland pony doing the moonwalk goes viral
Sure, it's an ad for a British mobile network — but it's also a celebration of all things silly.
A minute-long video of a Shetland pony named Socks doing Michael Jackson's famous moonwalk when humans aren't looking is making people smile worldwide.
"Shot against the dramatic backdrop of the Shetland Islands, the :60 spot follows the story of a stocky little pony. But this is no ordinary Shetland pony. With the scrape of a hoof, and a flick of his Tina Turner-esque mane, he effortlessly moonwalks along to the sound of 'Everywhere' by Fleetwood Mac," Agency Wieden + Kennedy London said of their commercial.
Move over, "Harlem Shake," dancing ponies are where it's at.
"Never underestimate the power of a plucky little pony. And while all the seemingly stupid stuff we look at online on a daily basis, may seem silly — it's not — it's what connects us through the simple act of sharing it," the agency posted on its website.
Love it? The marketing campaign includes something even more enjoyable: the Pony Mixer, where you can make a pony dance to anything from boy bands to Bollywood tunes.