Wild dance party breaks out at Vancouver International Airport

A spontaneous dance party erupted at the Vancouver International Airport on New Year's Eve.

International travellers arriving in Vancouver on New Year's Eve received quite the welcome.

Boisterous partiers decked out in colourful costumes showed up at YVR's international arrivals terminal part of a roving event called "Decentralized Dance Party."

The flash-mob dance party even recruited a few happy travellers, happy to bust a few moves at the airport with a mob of strangers.

"Big thanks to the hundreds of fearless free spirits who Partied with us alllllll the way to the airport and back (with the spontaneous assistance of TransLink and the Vancouver Police Department) for what was the likely the most ridiculous NYE countdown that Vancouver will ever witness," the party's organizers wrote on Facebook.


The "all-night party marathon," funded by Bitcoin donations, moved through Vancouver along a top-secret route revealed, stop-by-stop, under the #Bananas4Bitcoin hashtag on social media throughout the night.

Earlier stops included Waterfront Station, Granville Station, the Robson Square Ice Rink and Commercial Drive.

"We loved to party, and thought that invading the streets with thousands of synchronized boomboxes would be the coolest thing ever," wrote Decentralized Dance Party founders Tom and Gary.

Read more about Decentralized Dance Party here.

How did you ring in the New Year?